Stepps Primary School

Growing Together, Learning Together, Achieving Together.

May 4, 2017
by User deactivated

Science Week

Primary 3N loved experimenting during science week. They were able to create a hypothesis and test it during class based experiments. The children looked forward to the experiments everyday and particularly enjoyed the ‘Exploding Water’ experiment. Other experiments included: Disappearing Dots, Paper Pillars and Balloon Kebabs. Click on the slideshow below to have look at our pictures.

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Science Week in P5D

May 4, 2017 by Mrs De Rosa | 0 comments

Science week was lots of fun in P5D. We were able to carry out lots of experiments as well as working on our writing skills when writing up our reports. We will be sharing some of our experiments with you at our Science Showcase on Friday 12th May at 9:30am. Hopefully we will see you there!

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May 4, 2017
by Miss Davidson

Sharing Our Home School Learning

Before the Easter holidays P7 had los of fun sharing their home school learning tasks with everyone. Some of the children had created wonderful quizes, word searches and A to Z Fact files for their classmates to listen to or take part in. Excellent work Primary 7, I really enjoyed listening to all of your wonderful facts and quiz questions. Keep it up!

May 4, 2017
by Mrs De Rosa

Road Safety Visit

We were fortunate to have a visit from Warburtons recently. They brought one of their ginormous lorries with them to make us aware of potential dangers to us. We learned lots of ways to stay safe around vehicles of this size. We were allowed to climb up into the driver’s seat to see how limited the driver’s field of vision is. At the end we were each given a packet of toaster pockets too! Thank you Warburtons!

May 4, 2017
by Mr Doran

Keeping You Posted – P6/5 Term 4

Welcome to the final Keeping You Posted for P6/5 this school year!

In Literacy we will be continuing to consolidate our reading comprehension skills, building on the higher level question knowledge we have developed this year. In particular, in class we will be focussing on written comprehension tasks, as well as continuing to use the regular reading strategies. We will experience the entire range of writing genres this term, after having visited all of them during the earlier school year. This will allow for consolidation of knowledge gained. Weekly spelling words will continue to be issued, and will be reinforced through dictation sessions in class.

Our maths focus this term will be fractions, shape and data handling. Pupils have spent a lot of time this year developing their mental maths abilities and problem solving skills, and these will continue to be visited regularly to ensure pupils retain these skills. There will be a renewed focus on the use of Sumdog in school and at home, as recent studies have suggested this can have a strong effect on basic maths abilities.



Social Studies: Europe Excursion

RME: Islam – Zakat

Music: Rhythm and Composition

Health: Road Safety and Proud to Be Me

PE: Swimming, Fitness and Athletics


Other Information

PE is currently on Thursdays, with swimming/PE for P5, and PE at school for P6 pupils. This will revert back to the previous Monday and Tuesday PE sessions when the block of swimming ends for P5 pupils.

Homework is issued on Mondays, and most written tasks are due back on the Friday of that week. Reading tasks are due on the day that the reading groups meet with the class teacher.

May 4, 2017
by User deactivated
1 Comment

Trip to Kelvingrove Art Galleries

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Primary 3 had a fantastic time at Kelvingrove Art Galleries. They loved exploring all the different exhibitions and visiting the gift shop. During the Egyptian Exhibition, Primary 3 really impressed our guide, Leslie, with their knowledge of Ancient Egypt. They loved the holding session where they got to see and hold real Ancient Egyptian objects and pictures! Click on the slideshow to see some of our pictures.

April 28, 2017
by Mrs Nicolson

Primary 6/5 Enterprise Event

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The learners from Primary 6/5 have been working hard over the past term with Entrepreneur Me and Matt Stewart.  The class worked in cooperative groups to create their own business plans: planning a project, deciding on a product, pricing raw materials and applying for a loan before trying to make a profit within the time allowed.  They have agreed that their profit is then going to help older residents in the local community.

Today they invited guests to the launch of their products.  Whether you fancied cakes, pizza, a new phone case or a useful desk tidy – you could have found all these in our pop-up market place this morning.

My group was called Nuddle.  We made phone cases.  One was based on the idea of a night sky, with sparkling gems, while the other one was a Scotland flag.  We made that design especially for Matt!  We carried out market research to find the most popular phone in the school.  Then we knew that we would have most chance of selling if we made iPhone 5 cases.  We asked for a £15 loan and made a profit  of £22. We were the first group to sell out!  Alex

I was in the Golden Goods group.  We baked cakes.  We discussed what cakes we knew how to make, or which ones our parents made for us.  We decided on top hats, crispy cakes and Victoria Sponge.  We sold out: with 63 top hats, 61 crispy cakes and two big Victoria sponge cakes.  We asked for a £10 loan and we made a profit of £54.70.    Eilidh

I was part of the Pencil Holders group.  We ordered resources from eBay, but we did not receive all the materials in time.  Today we had to take orders and show our customers a prototype.  We had a £11 loan, plus £5 float to use this morning, in case we needed change.  We collected £60 by the end of today.  If we take away our loan and the float for Mrs Gibson, we will have made a profit of £44.  Lukas

We were part of the Pizza Town group.  We made and sold slices of pizza today.  We asked for a loan of £21.63.  We got this figure by adding together the prices of all the ingredients we would need.  Today we made £51 profit.  We sold our last few slices to children in the playground after lunch.  James & Adam M.

As an extra surprise, Matt announced today that he would like each business team to keep their loan and use this as a treat for the class.  How fantastic!

The audience were also blown away with the fabulous drama which followed.  The comic timing and expression was perfect.  Once again, we have proved that Stepps has extraordinary talent!

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