Stepps Primary School

Growing Together, Learning Together, Achieving Together.

May 4, 2017
by Mrs MacNeil

Science in Primary 5/4

Primary 5/4’s topic in term 3 was Light and Sound and we also had an amazing science week (April 17th -21st 2017) where we conducted different experiments and learned about the science involved in them.  Here are some of the photos from the term.  We are really excited about our upcoming Science Showcase with Primary 5D on Friday 12th May and look forward to sharing our learning with you.

May 4, 2017
by Mrs MacNeil

Warburtons Safety Talk

On 18th April Warburtons came to our school with one of their lorries to talk to the children about the being safe around lorries and vans.  The children were taken on a tour around the bright orange lorry and Jim spoke to them about the dangers of being near the lorry and safety points to remember.  The children learned a lot from the talk and the highlight was getting an opportunity to safely climb into the driver’s seat and step by down backwards holding the hand rails.  We all were given a yummy pack of toastie pockets as we left and many of the children were talking about what they put in them and how great they were.  Here are some photos of the visit.

May 4, 2017
by Miss Hood


We completed our Fairyland topic before the Easter holidays. We have absolutely loved helping the Friendly Dragon to save Fairyland.

We had great fun using broad beans to grow our own beanstalk and we recorded the growth in our Broad Bean Diary. Unfortunately, some of them did not turn out quite as we had hoped!

We enjoyed constructing our own castles and towers during purposeful play.

In maths, we used our data handling skills to create a tally chart of our favourite fairytales. We also used non-standard units to measure the length of Rapunzel’s hair.

We carried out lots of art activities, including painting the Three Little Pigs’ houses, making our own Hansel and Gretel sweetie houses, designing a wand with a magic wish and using 2D shapes to create our own Rapunzel towers.

We absolutely loved sharing our learning with parents and carers at our assembly in March!

May 4, 2017
by Miss McCurrach

Science Week

We had an amazing time during science week, learning new things and conducting lots of fun and interesting experiments. On Friday the sun came out and we were able to investigate the effect the sun at different times of the day had on our shadows. We worked with a partner and drew around our shadows in the morning, after break and after luncj. Have a look at our pictures to see what happened.

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May 4, 2017
by Miss Belshaw

Science Week in Primary 6

The boys and girls in Primary 6 had lots of fun investigating the properties of water and sound during Science week.  We investigated the effects of detergent on water through the experiment Soapy Speed Boats.  Our next experiment was Screaming Straws and as you can imagine this a lot of fun for us, but not for our teachers ears.  We looked at how we can create vibrations with air flows and these then can be changed to alter pitch of a sound.  Our last experiment was Sticky Stringy Water, we used our knowledge from the first experiment to explain how adhesion and cohesion play a part in the movement of water.

May 4, 2017
by Miss Raeside

Red Nose Day

We work hard each year to help raise money for Comic Relief and, with the help of our remarkable pupils, we’ve achieved amazing things and raised lots of money through the power of entertainment!

Well done to everyone who volunteered as help, participated in the activities and donated!

May 4, 2017
by Miss McCurrach

World Book Day

On World Book Day we all dressed up as our favourite book character. Primary 6B came to get us and we read lots of different books with them. We all had a really good time and got to hear different types of stories. Have a look at our reading and great costumes!

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May 4, 2017
by Miss Davidson

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Last week Primary 7 all became Top Class Scientists. In class we carried out a range of different experiments. We investigated the chemical reactions between, vinegar and baking soda. We all so investigated how craters make an impact on the surface of the Moon. We worked effectively in groups to collect our equipment and carry out fair tests. Unfortunately not all our experiments worked out how we planned, but we were able to discuss and identify ways to adapt the experiment to make it more successful next time.

A Busy Term!

May 4, 2017 by Mrs Lynch | 0 comments

Term 3 has been a very busy term in Primary 2BL!

This gallery contains 6 photos

May 4, 2017
by Miss McCurrach

A-Star Sports

Primary 1 had a visit from A-Star sports who were showing us the different activities that they do in their club.  We all had a really good time and thanked them for spending some time with us. Have a look at our slideshow to see what we were up to.

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