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November 1, 2017
by Miss Raeside
November 1, 2017
by Miss Raeside
November 1, 2017
by Mrs Jeffreys
Today was the day we put on our wet suits, fleeces, waterproof jackets and life jackets and embraced Mother Nature’s water slides. ย The children had a great time scrambling over the rocks and then sliding down them. ย As always the children encouraged and helped each other.
November 1, 2017
by Mrs Jeffreys
Here are some more of our budding young navigators following their maps in the forest to find their markers. ย The prize for everyone at the end was some scrumpy flapjack!
November 1, 2017
by Mrs Shaw
Today 2 of our groups went on Safari with Derek. They learned all about the local environment and some of the plants and animals that live here. The children were amazed at how close to us the herring gulls flew and that they really liked eating spaghetti, especially one of Derek’s favourite gulls, Dopey. We were really lucky because after some role play as mice we actually got to see some voles that were in the humane traps.
Then we went to the lab and learned all about the Scottish landscape and how it has changed over the centuries. We also got to meet some furry friends.
November 1, 2017
by Mrs Jeffreys
A group of our children got the opportunity to show off their climbing skills by climbing to the top of the tree! ย They also demonstrated how well they could work together – go Team Stepps!
October 31, 2017 by Mrs Shaw | 0 comments
We have had such a busy day today with all our outdoor activities. We had a wee break and got the chance to sit and fill in our log books this evening. Everyone enjoyed chatting about what they have done so far and about the activities that they are going to do tomorrow. One of the highlights is of course those famous “Kilbowie Flapjacks” …. Yum! Yum! ย Lots of the children thought that the Safari with Derek was the best whilst others thought that the orienteering in the forest was.
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October 31, 2017
by Mrs Jeffreys
Hi Everyone,
As you can see from the pictures, we have been very busy today, despite the weather, taking part in lots of fun activities from orienteering in the forest, going on a hill walk, rock and tree climbing, going on a safari and even jumping into the sea! ย (More pics to follow)
We missed going Trick and Treating but did have the pleasure of eating worms and eyeballs for lunch (spaghetti and meatballs). ย The catering staff also gave us yummy Halloween biscuits, cakes and toffee apples but don’t worry because we all made sure we brushed our teeth!
Apologies for the late blog but wifi is not being our friend so it is taking us several attempts to get on. ย We know you must be missing everyone but they are all doing you proud and their lovely manners and good behaviour has been praised by Kilbowie staff, ย making us very proud teachers! ย Looking forward to posting more adventures tomorrow.
October 31, 2017
by Mr McKeever
Our P4 girls attended NLC’s Active Schools festival on Thursday 26th October. The girls had a great time participating in a number of new sporting activities they had never tried before. They had a fantastic day and, as usual, were excellent ambassadors for Stepps Primary! Well done, girls!
October 31, 2017 by Mrs Shaw | 1 Comment
It is a lovely Scottish morning up here at Kilbowie. Rain! Rain! Rain! But that’s not going to stop us. Everyone is up bright and early.
This gallery contains 14 photos
October 30, 2017
by Miss Raeside
Can you think of a better way to enjoy the fine, Scottish, October temperatures than by jumping in the sea?! We did just that after this photo!