Stepps Primary School

Growing Together, Learning Together, Achieving Together.

February 14, 2018
by Miss Davidson

Celebrating all things Scottish

On Monday the 5th of February Primary 5/4 and Primary 5D celebrated all things Scottish with each other after their amazing assembly. Everyone had a taste of some Scottish treats such as shortbread, tablet, tea cakes, carmel wafers and everyone even had a little taste of  Irn Bru. We all listened to some traditional Scottish songs while we took part in our scottish tasting. Afterwards we watched the film Brave to finish off our fabulous Scottish day. Well Done P5/4 and P5D

February 14, 2018
by Miss Hood

Dinosaur Showcase

P2 and P3/2 enjoyed sharing their learning with parents and carers. We learned lots about dinosaurs and really enjoyed this topic. We shared our artwork, research and writing at the showcase and also had fun playing some games.

The Snowman

February 14, 2018 by User deactivated | 0 comments

Primary 1 enjoyed working together to make a class snowman. We think he looks great. We then went back into the classroom and wrote instructions on how to build a snowman.

This gallery contains 11 photos

February 14, 2018
by Mrs MacNeil

Christmas Pantomime Cinderson in Primary 4/3

Primary 4/3 absolutely love going to drama every week and in term 2 we spent some time learning the script for our comical pantomime called Cinderson where there were characters like The Hairy Godfather, Cinderson the male servant and the two ugly brothers.  We even took time to share our show with some of the other classes in the school.  What a fun time and very proud children for acting in front of a larger audience of their peers.  Here are some of the pictures taken from the performance.


February 14, 2018
by Miss McCurrach


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Primary 1 finished their Forces topic recently. We looked at what can be pushed and pulled and how this happens. We discussed how pushes and pulls can be affected by the environment. Have a look at our picture gallery and try to decide whether we found a push or a pull.

February 14, 2018
by Mrs Lynch

P3M Internet Safety

For internet safety we learned important rules to follow to keep ourselves safe online. We made posters to show others some of the important rules.

February 14, 2018
by Mrs Lynch

Scottish Week in P3M

Primary 3 had a great week during Scottish week. We learned about Scottish myths and legends, focussing on Nessie and the Kelpies. We took notes about both creatures and used them to write an information report. We learned J.K. Annand’s poem ‘Nessie’ for the Scottish assembly as well as exploring Annand’s poem ‘The Dentist’. Have a look at our missing posters to help spot Nessie.

February 14, 2018
by Mrs MacNeil

Pop up Pals in Primary 4/3

The children have been learning all about the Jack in the Box toy recently during their ‘Pop up Pals’ topic where we looked into the history and how they work.  The class learned how to make their own Jack in the box and they had to design the outside cube and the spring inside for a special person they knew.  They also had to choose the best spring material and how the box should open and close.  Here are some photos of the Jack in the Box that the children made.




February 14, 2018 by Mr Doran | 0 comments

In January P6a took part in the Tree of Knowledge event, designed to help them explore their own strengths and weaknesses. Pupils investigated their physical, creative, problem solving, and teamwork skills, and found out that everyone in the class has a unique range of abilities.

In class, we have been building on the theme of self exploration through a sequence of work involving Relationships, and the skills we need to develop and maintain them. So far we have looked at Social Skills, Talking and Listening, the importance (and responsibility) of Popularity, and feeling Shy and Self-Conscious.

This gallery contains 16 photos

February 14, 2018
by Mrs MacNeil

Spaghetti and marshmallows in Primary 4/3

In December Primary 4/3 as part of their technology topic in class had a really exciting technology challenge involving marshmallows and spaghetti.  Each group in the class were given the same materials and the challenge was to build the tallest tower that can stand on its own without falling down for 1 minute.  The groups worked so well together and had lots of fun too.  Here are some of the photos.

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