Stepps Primary School

Growing Together, Learning Together, Achieving Together.

September 8, 2018
by Mr McKeever

Wear your uniform with Pride!

Our pupils all look amazing in their Stepps Primary Uniform. Thank you to all our parents/carers for supporting our uniform policy. Please remember to name all items of your child’s uniform, we want to ensure that we can quickly return any lost items.

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September 8, 2018
by Mr McKeever


We have celebrated a range of pupil achievements at assembly over the last few weeks. We have found out about super achievements in football, swimming, running, Tae-Kwon-Do and charity fundraising. Well done everyone – we are very proud of you!

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September 8, 2018
by Mr McKeever

Stars of the Week!

Well done to our first Stars of the Week! We love to hear amazing stories of effort, determination, friendship, manners and behaviour. Well done everyone. Wear your special badges with pride.

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August 28, 2018
by Mr McKeever

World of Work

We are enjoying finding out about the different skills you need for different jobs. This young man recently spent the day as a Zoo Keeper. What a fantastic way to find out about the world of work!

July 30, 2018
by Mr McKeever

Back to School!

The 2018/2019 school session beings on Thursday 16th August for all pupils. New P1 pupils should arrive at the following times:

P1B (Mrs Lyons, currently Miss Belshaw) – 9.20 am  

P1H (Miss Hood) – 9.30 am

P2/1 (Miss Kennedy) – 9.40 am

All other pupils from P2-P7 should arrive as normal for a 9.00am start. Our am nursery session begins at 8.40 am.








June 25, 2018
by Mr McKeever

Graduation 2018

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Well done to our P7 pupils who staged a fantastic graduation ceremony on Friday 22nd June for their parents and carers. They shared their memories, ambitions and brought a tear to our eye. Well done to our Class of 2018.

June 24, 2018
by Mr McKeever

Bowling Success

Well done to our Lawn Bowling Team who picked up first and third places at the local area Glasbowl Tournament at Stepps Bowling Club on Friday 22nd June. The children had a great time learning a new sport. We are extremely grateful to Mollie and the members of Stepps Bowling Club for organising this opportunity.

We look forward to continuing our fantastic partnership with Stepps Bowling Club next session.

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