Our P7 pupils did an amazing job organising our Children in Need Day. We had face painting, cake decorating, beat the goalie as well as a wealth of competitions. Our final total is still to be confirmed.
Thank you to everyone for your support.
November 17, 2018
by Mr McKeever
Our P7 pupils did an amazing job organising our Children in Need Day. We had face painting, cake decorating, beat the goalie as well as a wealth of competitions. Our final total is still to be confirmed.
Thank you to everyone for your support.
November 9, 2018
by Mr McKeever
1 Comment
Well done to all our P7 pupils for staging a fantastic WW2 event for their parents and carers this morning. The children planned, wrote and staged the entire event themselves with only a little guidance from their teachers. We were impressed with the children’s confidence and knowledge.
October 31, 2018
by Mr McKeever
Well done to the winner of our PTA Christmas Fayre poster design competition. We hope you enjoy opening your advent calendar E.D. Congratulations!
October 31, 2018
by Mr McKeever
What an amazing display of costumes we had today! We had witches, Wizards, skeletons, unicorns, a Kit-Kat and Mary Poppins. Amazing everyone – well done.
October 14, 2018
by Mr McKeever
Click on the link below to view the new Autumn/Winter Menu for 2018/2019.
October 14, 2018
by Mr McKeever
We continue to be impressed by our learners’ enthusiasm and creativity. The pictures below show just a small sample of the amazing models made by our P4/3 and P7 classes as part of their work on Africa and World War 2. Well done to all our pupils (and parents)!
October 11, 2018
by Mrs De Rosa
Primary 6 took part in Superhero training today during a visit from Chris and Tony from Tree of Knowledge. They focused on 4 super powers – strength, logic, creativity and teamwork. A number of challenges were set and the children worked both independently and as part of a group throughout the session. The feedback from the children was very positive with them able to describe what parts of the workshop the enjoyed and how this may help them in the future.
Lily – I learned that if I am faced with a challenge in the future I can use the skills that I learned today to complete it. Thank you for coming.
Rayyan – The workshop taught me how to focus on a task and how to be a good teammate.
Devyn – I learned that you don’t need to have powers to be super! It helps me to have a positive mindset.
Rosie – I enjoyed doing the plank challenge because it shows if you put determination into achieving something you will do well. I also liked the ordering challenge as it shows you can communicate without talking.
Scott – I will use the skills I learned in the future when things are tough and I’ll know not to give up.
October 8, 2018
by Mrs De Rosa
P6D, along with Mrs De Rosa and Miss Symeonidou, would like to say a huge thank you to all of the parents and carers who came along to our coffee morning last Friday to help support Macmillan Cancer Care.
We would also like to say thank you to all the staff who supported us and made donations to our fundraiser. The last thank you is to all of the boys and girls of Stepps Primary School who joined in with the dress down day and ‘Guess the number of marshmallows in the jar’.
We are delighted to announce that we have raised a grand total of £548.15 for Macmillan Cancer Care.
September 28, 2018
by Mr McKeever
Thank you to all the parents and carers who came along on Friday 28th September to support P6D’s MacMillan Coffee Morning. The children had a fantastic time organising and running this event. We are extremely grateful for all the very generous cake and raffle prize donations.
Final total still to be confirmed.
September 19, 2018
by Mr McKeever
Due to the extreme weather conditions, and Health & Safety concerns, we have had to cancel this evening’s Meet the Teacher event. Apologies for any inconvenience that this may cause.