A Note from the Teacher
Just a reminder that P3L’s gym days are on a Tuesday and a Friday. Please ensure that your child has appropriate footwear and gym clothes on these days.
Our topic for Term 2 is ‘Children from Other Lands’. We will be exploring what daily life is like for children in Scotland and various other counties. In addition we will find out about the countries geographical and environmental features. We will also develop an awareness of Scottish national dress and cultures including learning some ceilidh dances!
Weekly spelling words (4 per week)
Core reading books every week
Weekly phonic activities
Daily writing activities
Weekly taught writing lessons
Talking & listening activities
A range of after reading tasks and activities related to core reading books.
We look forward to our new topics: Money and multiplication.
Every day, we engage in mental math activities using different strategies.
Once a week we are developing our Problem Solving skills. We choose and discuss the best strategy as a class.
Other Information
Art: Topic related along with seasonal activities.
Music: ABC Music Programme and Christmas songs
Drama: Role play using our topic as a stimulus.
RME: Sukkot (Judaism) and Haffertee’s First Christmas (Christianity).
Health: Citizenship, Relationships and Respect.