Stepps Primary School

Growing Together, Learning Together, Achieving Together.

P6B – Keeping You Posted Term 2


A Note From The Teacher

The boys and girls in P6 are looking forward to science this term and our topic will be: The Importance of Water. We will be learning about the water cycle, ways to clean water and discovering the ways in which we can reduce our usage of water.  We will also be carrying out some science experiments so don’t forget to ask us about what we have been learning about.

Term 2 Topics

Science: The Importance of Water

Drama – Creative Thinking and Improvisation

Health – Food and Healthy Eating

RME – The Christmas Story (Advent) and the Saints

Music – Composing, Shakers, Drums and Sounds

P.E. – Creative Dance and Scottish Country Dancing



Reading – Novel Studies – Strategies taught are: using prior knowledge, Metalinguistics, visualisation, inferential questioning, finding main ideas & themes and summary writing.

Spelling – words are issued weekly.

Grammar & Punctuation – Using commas, apostrophes and possessive adjectives

Story writing – a range of genre will be taught throughout the term.



Oral/Mental Maths – activities will be done daily as part of our maths programme.

Topics to be covered this term include;

Multiplication                                    Division


Multiples, Factors and prime numbers

Problem Solving – Practical and written problem solving tasks undertaken weekly.


Other Information

Mrs Black will continue to deliver German to P6 pupils. From the 4th November to 24th November Clyde Football Team will be coaching our class on a Friday, could children please remember to bring in PE kit.

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