Stepps Primary School

Growing Together, Learning Together, Achieving Together.

Keeping You Posted – P6/5 Term 4


Welcome to the final Keeping You Posted for P6/5 this school year!

In Literacy we will be continuing to consolidate our reading comprehension skills, building on the higher level question knowledge we have developed this year. In particular, in class we will be focussing on written comprehension tasks, as well as continuing to use the regular reading strategies. We will experience the entire range of writing genres this term, after having visited all of them during the earlier school year. This will allow for consolidation of knowledge gained. Weekly spelling words will continue to be issued, and will be reinforced through dictation sessions in class.

Our maths focus this term will be fractions, shape and data handling. Pupils have spent a lot of time this year developing their mental maths abilities and problem solving skills, and these will continue to be visited regularly to ensure pupils retain these skills. There will be a renewed focus on the use of Sumdog in school and at home, as recent studies have suggested this can have a strong effect on basic maths abilities.



Social Studies: Europe Excursion

RME: Islam – Zakat

Music: Rhythm and Composition

Health: Road Safety and Proud to Be Me

PE: Swimming, Fitness and Athletics


Other Information

PE is currently on Thursdays, with swimming/PE for P5, and PE at school for P6 pupils. This will revert back to the previous Monday and Tuesday PE sessions when the block of swimming ends for P5 pupils.

Homework is issued on Mondays, and most written tasks are due back on the Friday of that week. Reading tasks are due on the day that the reading groups meet with the class teacher.

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