Stepps Primary School

Growing Together, Learning Together, Achieving Together.

P6/5 are being Busy Bees in Term 3


So far, Term 3 has been all about making money!

At the start of January, we were visited by Matt from Entrepreneur Me. He set the class a challenge – he offered to give the pupils a business loan to invest in their own companies and make some money to give to a good cause. The only catch is that they have to make enough to pay the loan back to Matt at the end of the project!

At the moment of writing, the pupils have created their own companies, assigned each other jobs like Managing Director, Quality Control, Designer, and have used email to apply for their loans. The companies are currently producing spreadsheets to show their predictions for how much money they are going to make. They are also investigating the local area, to decide on which local charity or group the profits are going to go to.

Take a look at the pictures to see us meeting with the rest of the company, as well as our company logos. Look out for us sell, sell, selling our products once our loans come through!


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