Stepps Primary School

Growing Together, Learning Together, Achieving Together.

Amazing Art in Primary 5/4

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We really enjoy our weekly art sessions on a Friday afternoon, where we get to create some beautiful pieces that would be fit for any gallery wall.  Our recent pictures have been completed over several stages and we think that they really have been worth it as the enjoyment and artistic flair has been shown by everyone.

Owls at Night – these pictures were created in two stages, firstly drawing and colouring a very detailed owl using either pens, chalk pastels or colouring pencils.  The second stage was to create a night sky with stars and the moon and then the owls were positioned onto the backgrounds to produce fabulous pictures.  Every single owl and background was different.

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Taj Mahal Art – These pictures took a few hours to complete.  The children learned about bleeding tissue paper with water so that the coloured ink would transfer onto the cartridge paper.  This was another multi stage process.  Firstly the children had to draw an outline of the Taj Mahal with pencil, freehand and add in details of towers, windows, doorways etc then outline it with a permanent marker so that the ink would not run.  Then the children had to choose either warm or cold colours for their Taj Mahal and they used water to wet the tissue paper and stick it on top of the picture.  The background also involved bleeding tissue paper; though the colours had to be the opposite of their Taj Mahal.  After the bleeding was complete and dry, the Taj Mahal was cut out with a small edge around it and then was glued on top of the coloured backgrounds.  We really loved the end results as every set of colours and schemes were completely different.

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Our current art project involves the amazing artist Ted Harrison.

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