Stepps Primary School

Growing Together, Learning Together, Achieving Together.

A Dragon Came to Visit!

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Primary two were visited by a dragon last night! When we arrived in school this morning we saw glitter on the carpet and a set of footprints! The classroom had been left in a mess too! We noticed that a special dragon post box had been left beside the classroom and we checked to see if there was anything there. We had a letter from a friendly dragon! The dragon told us that he was very sad because his home is disappearing. Fairyland is being destroyed because children are not reading enough fairytales. He asked us if we could help by reading lots of stories and by turning our classrooms into Fairyland.




We noticed that lots of different types of green paper had been left outside of the classroom. After some discussion, we realised that the dragon wanted us to make our own beanstalk. We set to work straight away, using lots of different materials to make leaves for our beanstalk.


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Primary two are very excited to help the Friendly Dragon!

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