Stepps Primary School

Growing Together, Learning Together, Achieving Together.

Term 2 Update

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We are halfway through Term 2 already, and P6/5 have been hard at work.

The class is getting ready to conduct their Chemical Change experiments this week, after having spent the last few weeks designing these experiments in their science teams. After that, we are going to continue the science theme by exploring how different parts of the human body work.

We have been building on our reading skills this term, with a paricular emphasis on recognising and answering different types of questions. This is proving to be quite a challenge to many of us as we get used to the categories of questions, so pupils have been supporting each other by leaving tips in our Yammer group.

In maths, the class has worked hard at developing our division knowledge, and now we are looking at Time, focussing on analogue, digital, 12 hour and 24 hour times, as well as how Time is important in our lives. Although our main lessons are moving away from numeracy, pupils still get to keep their number skills fresh with regular mental maths sessions during the week, and we have been experimenting with some Big Maths activities to allow pupils to track their mental maths progress. Sumdog accounts remain available for P6/5 to play some games and develop their confidence at their own speed.

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