A Note from the Teacher
First and foremost I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who attended our World War Two workshop. The children worked extremely hard both individually and as part of a team to prepare the event, and every part of the day came from their very own ideas and efforts. Your participation and involvement helped make the day a success. Both the pupils and myself had a wonderful morning and we hope you did, too.
Thank you.
Social Studies – College of Rock
R.M.E. – How Muslims Should Live
P.E. – Aesthetics: acrobatics, gymnastics, dance
H.W.B. – World Food Cultures
Through Active Literacy and novel studies, we will be developing our knowledge of context clues, punctuation and grammar, while learning to read texts with increasing fluency, understanding and expression.
We will be learning to identify and consider the purpose of a theme and use supporting detail. To show understanding we will be learning to respond to literal, inferential and evaluative questions and other close reading tasks. We will be discussing structure, characterisation, setting and writers’ style and craft.
Our weekly Taught-Writing lesson will cover a range of genres and writing targets.
Using a range of resources and learning styles, we will be developing our skills, knowledge and understanding in the following mathematical concepts:
- Fractions, decimals and percentages
- Expressions and equations
- Money
Each term we will revise addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
Other Information
Homework will continue to be issued on a Monday and should be returned by the Friday. Reading books should be brought to class each day and children should be encouraged to keep up to date with reading homework.
From Thursday the 17th of November Primary 7D will be visiting Chryston High School for a block of P.E. Therefore children should bring in their P.E. kit on a Monday and a Thursday instead of the usual Monday and Wednesday. For the next six weeks P7D will also be working with Athletic specialists during their Monday P.E time.
If you have any worries or concerns you can arrange to speak to me via phone or by arranging a meeting after school at anytime.
Thank you.