Stepps Primary School

Growing Together, Learning Together, Achieving Together.

P1 Keeping You Posted November 2016


A Note From The Teacher

Weekly Homework will continue to be issued on a Monday and should be returned by a Friday.

Homework Grid – Our homework grid now covers a variety of curricular areas and should be dated when tasks are completed. The date that this should be returned will always be at the top of the grid.

P1K has P.E. on a Monday and a Friday and P1M has it on a Monday and a Thursday. Please remind your child to bring in their P.E. kits on these days. Primary 1 drama is on a Thursday. Children only need gym shoes for drama lessons.

Term 2 Topics

Science – Forces

Topical Science: Weather

RME: 1. Judaism – The story of Ruth                 2. Christmas and the Nativity

Health and Well Being – Food technology/healthy eating/ personal hygiene/ keeping healthy

Music – Nativity songs

Art and Design – Seasonal art- Hallowe’en/Bonfire night/Christmas and winter art

Drama – Nativity Performance


Reading – Children will read a range of fiction and non-fiction texts to develop their reading skills. They are being introduced to a variety of reading to write activities including: jumbled up sentences, strip books, and sequencing activities. They will have 2 new reading books a week. Every week the children should also share a book of their choice with an adult. This is to encourage reading for enjoyment and can be a book from home or the library.

Story writing – Children will participate in a weekly formal story writing lesson covering a range of genres. In term 1 the focus was on narrative and in term 2 other genres will be introduced.

Spelling – 3 new spelling words are given to the children each week and they should be practised as part of weekly homework. There is a consolidation week about every fourth week.

Handwriting – Children follow the Nelson Handwriting scheme. This term the children will be practising forming capital and lowercase letters.

Grammar and Punctuation – The focus will continue to be on using full stops and capital letters within writing tasks.


Number Money and Measure

Estimation and develop a sense of size

Addition to 10

Time – days of the week, months of the year, calendars and seasons

Shape Position and Movement

3D Shape


Following and giving simple directions

Information Handling

Sorting and classifying using a variety of tables and charts


Other Information

Nativity – We have started practising some songs for our Nativity “Born in a Barn”.

School Trip – Primary 1 will be visiting New Lanark on Friday 2nd  December for a Magical Christmas Experience. The children will have a whole day of Christmas related activities. This includes the Spirit of Christmas ride, Christmas crafts and a pantomime. We might even get to visit a very special person!

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