St Edwards Primary & Nursery

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May 13, 2020
by Mrs McCracken

Learning at Home

As we continue to experience life in lockdown amid the trials and tribulations of home schooling as a teacher, pupil or parent, it has been a challenge .However our  teaching staff remain committed to their duties and are daily  uploading tasks and suggested activities onto glow  to ensure children have a focus and are keeping active with their learning.  It has been great to see  how so many of your children are replying to their teachers and uploading pictures to share their experiences.We thank all our parents who are working with their children in a creative and supporting way.

Theses times make it challenging for parents to contact our school directly during the closure of the building.

However if you require any support with your child’s learning at home please contact us :

Mobile:     07903 976504


We will continue to update parents on a regular basis  by text or twitter when we are able to distribute other learning resources such as jotters.

Support links for home learning

North Lanarkshire- Learning Together Newsletters

Each week NLC will be providing useful information to support parents with home learning


Solihull Approach – Courses Available

The Solihull Approach is all about emotional health and well-being. The Understanding Your Child course includes finding out about the child’s brain development and how it affects behaviour. It helps parents understand more about why their child behaves a certain way when they are angry, having a temper tantrum or trouble sleeping. You will also learn the importance of playing for your child’s development.

The Solihull Team are keen to ensure that families are aware of the free access to the online courses.


Educational Psychology: Advice and support regarding children and young people (COVID-19)

Just to remind you that the Educational Psychology helpline is up and running

Who is it for?

School staff/other professionals, parents/carers and young people


What will it provide?

Advice/phone consultation support to help manage the stresses that can felt by children and young people at this difficult time.


How to get in contact:

Phone: 01236 812 380. 10am – 3pm Monday to Friday (Please leave a message and we will return your call)


April 1, 2020
by Mrs McCracken


Boys and girls I hope you and your families are all safe and well.As we are in the season of Lent I’m sure you are all doing nice things to help your parents at home.As we start a new month maybe you would like to make a kindness calendar.Things may feel unsettled right now, but one thing is clear: small acts of kindness can make a difference.

Here are some ideas to get you started:

  • write or draw what kindness means to you
  • check in on neighbours in a safe way – perhaps, put a note through their door
  • call or write to a relative
  • draw a rainbow and put it in your window to show hope
  • write down three things you are grateful for
  • do something helpful for a friend or family member – help lay the table or could they keep your bedroom tidy?
  • stay at home – by following this advice you are being kind to others in the community and helping to save lives.

Information can be found at:

power-of-kindness-calendar-blank-calendar (1)

Take care and be safe.

Mrs McCracken

March 30, 2020
by Mrs Egan

Update 30th March 2020

Boys and girls I hope you are all keeping well and behaving well for your Mums and Dads! Try to do some school tasks each day but also get out in the garden and get some exercise out in the fresh air. This will keep you healthy! We are all missing you and look forward to seeing you all soon. Keep well, Mrs Egan x
Parents/ Carers please do not feel pressured to complete every task set, we appreciate many of you are key workers or at home looking after a number of young children. Tasks are there to support you not to give you added stress at this difficult time. The health and wellbeing of all our families is the priority at this time. Keep safe and enjoy family time in which ever way you feel is most appropriate, this might be playing a board time or spending some time in your garden. If we can help in anyway please contact us.

March 30, 2020
by Mrs McCracken



Clicker is a resource that we have been using in North Lanarkshire schools for the last few years. The SAM Team has worked with Cricksoft to give our schools an initial 6 weeks of free home access for all pupils and staff. The unique serial number for this is: 8W4AB47TDCJ4XPRGRQLK

Go to for all the information you need to get started, including installation instructions and helpful hints for getting the most out of the software.

Clicker 8 is compatible with Windows/Mac machines, please note this code is for laptops and desktops only. An iPad code will be available next week.

March 27, 2020
by Mrs McCracken

Glee Primary School Challenge

Once again  thank you to all our wonderful children for winning the Sectional Glee Heat on 27th February. They were all stars.Everyone is so proud of you.Keep singing and make everyone happy .

Hope to see you all again very soon!!!



March 27, 2020
by Mrs McCracken

Free Music Tuition


ABC Music Home school resources will allow all parents and children to have fun and learn
whenever they want during lockdown- and it’s free for everyone 24/7.

The resources will launch at 10am on Monday 30th March at with an online music lesson introducing materials parents can use at home with their children.

ABC Music Home school will offer the following :-
•timetable of live music lessons delivered by trainer on screen
– these will be fun for all and also demonstrate materials in the online resource
•age-targeted activity plans for parents/children
•online interactive music games & videos
•downloadable worksheets
•downloadable virtual instruments for phones and tablets.
•Material to learn French and Spanish through music,
•Resources for learning literacy and numeracy with music.

There is a range of material from Early Years to the end of Primary, focussing initially on Early Years to P3.

All of these resources will be free to parents

March 24, 2020
by Mrs McCracken

I.D.L at Home

If your child is already registered for I.D.L.  a support programme for literacy, it can be accessed  from home.

A guide for using IDL at home for Distance Learning

Below is some advice for supporting your child when using IDL at home. If you have any other questions then please email or call 01524 580665 and we will be happy to help. I will also be hosting a short 20 minute training session on Tuesday 31st March at 10am to chat through a few things that may help. We want your child to enjoy distance learning through IDL so we are always here to help and support in any way we can.

Tuesday 31st March 10:00am Online training session- (please click on the link below)

Join Microsoft Teams Meeting


In the meantime here are our Top Tips

  1. When using an iPad please make sure that you have the updated app IDL2MOBILE that is 0.3
  2. Please make sure that when accessing through an internet server that you only use GOOGLE CHROME. This is the only one that will work. If you don’t have Chrome already it takes 2 minutes to download.


  1. If the student is struggling to move to the next lesson in Literacy please check that the blue assistance button on the right hand side of the screen is turned OFF in order to move forward.


  1. You need to enable the microphone on your device to enable the student to complete the record/playback section of the Literacy programme. This will be under the settings of the device.


  1. We recommend using IDL in 20-30 minute slots so that students don’t get distracted.


  1. If the child has access to headphones then this will be great for concentration on the task (and peace and quiet for the adults!)….if not, just ensure the sound is on.


  1. Please go to our website and under the ‘Resources’ section you will find useful documents and videos that go through how IDL works.


  1. Don’t worry about testing. This is something that a teacher can do with the student when they return to school, as testing twice per year is still adequate to monitor progress.


  1. Please do contact us if you need any guidance or advice, we are happy and able to help during this time and want your child to carry on learning and progressing through IDL.


  1. Take Good Care and Good Luck!

March 24, 2020
by Mrs McCracken

Home Learning-French and Spanish

With many schools already closed and further closures likely in the coming weeks, we wanted to let you know how you can provide access to High Five French and/or Spanish for your children at this time. and on that page the first 10 video lessons of High Five French and Spanish can be found. No login is required, and we’ve also provided the transcripts of each lesson.
In addition, we’ve added a link on that page to a special version of High Five French and Spanish on our RLN Education website. We are providing free access to the resources during this time.

Parents should sign up (for free) to create their own username and password to allow them to access High Five with their children. We have added “notes for parents” to this version of the course to help parents assist their children in their learning.

March 23, 2020
by Mrs Egan

Hub Information

Please note our hub has been identified as Hilltop Primary. Children of key workers should report there from  tomorrow. No child who has symptoms of Coronavirus should attend. Please be reminded this service is for key workers only.

March 23, 2020
by Mrs Egan

Latest Update 23/03/20

We are now moving to a hub model to deliver school support for key workers in 10 schools across the north, central and south regions. This will enable those parents and carers within the key worker category to send their child to a school that is still within the area near to where they live.

Full information on where those hub schools will be and the geographical area they will cover will be available on the ‘key worker information’ section on our webpage which can be found at from 7pm tonight.

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