St. Brendan's Primary School and Nursery

We are voyaging together in a community of faith, love and learning.



Homework activities for the week will be uploaded on a Monday.

Children will be provided with a jotter to complete written tasks in.

Homework should submitted by returning jotters to school on a Friday.

Use the links below to access homework activities for the week.

All children in the school are invited to complete our Wellbeing at Home survey.

More information about the survey for parents and carers can be found here.

If you do not wish your child to take part, please access the link to indicate this.

P1 Homework WB 24th March

P2 Homework WB 24th March

P32 Homework WB 24th March

P3 Homework WB 24th March

P4 Homework WB 24th March

P54 Homework WB 24th March

P5 Homework WB 24th March

P6 Homework WB 24th March

P76 Homework WB 24th March

P7 Homework WB 24th March


To access the survey, click the following link as appropriate:

My Wellbeing at Home P1 to P4 2024-2025

My Wellbeing at Home P5 to P7 2024-2025

Report a Glow concern
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