All posts by Mrs Colton

Term 1 in Primary 6 with Miss O’Donnell

iPhone Image 21D60E iPhone Image 21D616 iPhone Image 21D629 iPhone Image 21D639The boys and girls have settled in well this term and are working very hard in Primary 6.


We have begun the year with our 1960s IDL topic, which everyone is very enthusiastic about. Primary 6 are learning about modern life in the 1960’s – pop music, fashion, technology and how this compares with their own life today. We have also had our first Kodaly music lesson with a specialist teacher from North Lanarkshire. This was great fun as the children learned a rap song with actions to help them remember the important aspects of music eg: rhythm, pitch, beat, etc. During our PE lessons the children have been testing their fitness levels with athletics training. They have competed with one another in hurdles and relay racing. This week we took advantage of the beautiful weather and went outside for some athletics including using the trim trail as an obstacle course challenge.

This morning at assembly some of the class spoke to the whole school about our committees (Eco, Fairtrade and Enterprise) which the pupils will be busy organizing in the next couple of weeks.


We look forward to the term ahead and thank you for your continued support.

Kilbowie 15th May 2014

Our fun filled week is nearly over. All of the boys and girls have been working hard challenging themselves to try new activities and learn new skills. Last night, they tested their teamwork and communciation skills by completing the Nightline. An activity where everyone is blindfolded and you have to make your way through a maze and pass on any tips about obstacles which are ahead of you. This was great fun and children especially enjoyed getting muddy as they were washed down with the hose afterwards! We then went in for supper which was extra special as Amy and Declan had a birthday to celebrate. Supper was super tasty – that’s right birthday cake!

This morning everyone headed to Ganavan Beach to try some rock climbing on the cliffs. A few children faced their fear of heights and surprised themselves with how much they were capable of doing. Also the pupils had to help each other check their equipment to ensure that everyone was safe while climbing up the rocks.

This afternoon, there was a mixture of fun actitivies – from adventure walks in the hills and finding caves to sailing across to Heather Island and discovering old ruins.

The pupils are getting very excited for the Disco tonight and the long journey back home tomorrow. The week has been action packed with plenty of fun and laughter, as well as picking up some new skills. I can guarantee all of the parents that their children will be shattered tomorrow and that there is a case full of washing for them. A brilliant week with great children who should be proud of themselves as their teachers are proud of them. Well done everyone!

Kilbowie Wednesday 14th May 2014

An other fun filled day in Oban! The boys and girls challenged themselves in very cold water and slippery rocks by attempting the Gorge Walking! Even Miss O’Donnell and Miss Rooney jumped straight in to the cold water and had lots of fun. The pupils showed how caring they were by helping each other overcome their fears, encouraging one another and also helping each other at the tricky bits.

This afternoon, one group learned how to ski and some of the pupils even mastered jumps and turns! Their instructor was very impressed with their skills and talents. The other group went Mountain Biking. The boys and girls found this challenging as it was steep hills with potholes and lots of mud! However, they all loved going downhill as they got to go really fast.

This evenign we are busy filling in our logbook so we have a diary and a record of all our activities and acheivements, then we are heading out to give the nightline a go!

Here are some more photos of our time at Kilbowie. Keep checking back and on Twitter for more updates!

Kilbowie Fun – Tuesday 13th May

After a long journey yesterday and a good night’s sleep the boys and girls woke up early to sunshine and fulll of energy! We have had an action packed day. If you read our tweet earlier, you would know everyone was on Safari this morning. The pupils learned about habitats, different animals and lots of interesting facts about the environment and how this affects plant and animal life.

The sun kept shining all day, so after lunch we were all out on the water. There was a mixture of canoes and kayaks. Some people sailed on their own and others worked with their friends to paddle their canoe to Heather Island. There was lots of fun jumping and splashing into the ice cold water – even from Miss Rooney! Now it’s time for dinner and another activity before bed.

We hope the sun keeps shining all week. Check back later in the week and we will update you with more details about our challenging activities.

Also follow us on twitter for more information!

Summer Term in Primary 5

Primary 5 and Miss O’Donnell are working hard after a lovely Easter break. There are lots of things happening this term. Currently, we are halfway through our Swimming and Gym Programme at Wishaw Sports Centre. The boys and girls so far have been learning how to play basketball and will soon be learning all the skills necessary for volleyball. The pupils are enjoying practising their swimming techniques and developing their confidence in the water.

Our IDL Topic this term is The Life of David Livingstone. The pupils are very excited about this topic and discovering all about his travels to Africa and fight against slavery.

Check back soon to find out how we are getting on and for some interesting photos.

Scientists in Primary 5

Welcome to our first blog post from Miss O’Donnell and Primary 5 within the Junior/Senior Department of our school.

Primary 5 have been investigating the importance and uses of water, and this week we decided to do some experimenting.

The boys and girls had learned about soluble and insoluble substances and they wanted to try it for themselves. After lots of discussion, they decided to investigate if salt, brown sugar and crushed chalk would dissolve in hot and cold water.

The pupils then collected all the equipment which they needed – salt, brown sugar, crushed chalk, water, tubs, spoons, etc and set about experimenting.

There was lots of fun and amazement in the class as the children saw the salt and brown sugar dissolve before their eyes especially when the sugar changed the colour of the water. The children had thought that the crushed chalk had dissolved in cold water but we decided to check by filtering the solution through the filter paper.

Sadly, the chalk hadn’t dissolved to form a solution and the children learned that chalk was insoluble.

The boys and girls had lots of fun. Watch out – Scientists are about!

Check back regularly for updates from the Junior/Senior Department.