Term 1 in Primary 6 with Miss O’Donnell

iPhone Image 21D60E iPhone Image 21D616 iPhone Image 21D629 iPhone Image 21D639The boys and girls have settled in well this term and are working very hard in Primary 6.


We have begun the year with our 1960s IDL topic, which everyone is very enthusiastic about. Primary 6 are learning about modern life in the 1960’s – pop music, fashion, technology and how this compares with their own life today. We have also had our first Kodaly music lesson with a specialist teacher from North Lanarkshire. This was great fun as the children learned a rap song with actions to help them remember the important aspects of music eg: rhythm, pitch, beat, etc. During our PE lessons the children have been testing their fitness levels with athletics training. They have competed with one another in hurdles and relay racing. This week we took advantage of the beautiful weather and went outside for some athletics including using the trim trail as an obstacle course challenge.

This morning at assembly some of the class spoke to the whole school about our committees (Eco, Fairtrade and Enterprise) which the pupils will be busy organizing in the next couple of weeks.


We look forward to the term ahead and thank you for your continued support.

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