Primary 7 Term 1 Letter

Primary 7 parent letter
Well, another school year is upon us and we all can’t wait to get started here in Primary 7. The children will enjoy more responsibility as leaders of the school and will be expected to buddy, monitor and show a great example to all of the other children. Here is a brief overview of what your child will be learning in Term 1.
Children will work through the North Lanarkshire’s Active Literacy Programme for Spelling, Reading, Writing and Listening and Talking. They will learn new words weekly and will complete active tasks within the class and at home.
The whole class will complete a modelling block to begin with, revising the comprehension strategies and ensuring that they are confident in the layout of these. We will be studying ‘The Eleventh Orphan’ by Joan Lingard and the children will also have a home reader too.
We will now also be using the ‘Big Writing’ programme within the school.
In Term 1 we will be looking at Symmetry, Expressions and Equations, Place Value, Units of Measure and Addition/Subtraction using the Pathways programme. We will be keeping the learning active for the children through station work and group activities along with written tasks and assessments at the end of each topic. Mental maths will be the starter activity of every maths lesson to ensure that the children’s arithmetic and times tables are of a high standard.
Health and Wellbeing
In Term 1 the children will be studying the ‘What’s the Score’ drug programme. This will focus on the benefits and dangers of different types of drugs. P.E will be on a Monday and a Thursday this term and it will be myself who will take both sessions. Could you please ensure that your child brings their full P.E kit in every Monday to remain in school until the end of the week.
Social Studies
Our I.D.L theme for this term is The Swinging Sixties. This will be a whole school theme due to our Golden Jubilee with each class looking at different aspects of that era. Primary 7 will be focussing mainly on the fashion and art of the Sixties and I am sure it will be a very colourful and interesting theme for all children. There will be lots of related activities happening throughout the year and the children and staff are very excited about it. I am sure it will be amazing!
During this first term Primary 7 will be focussing on ‘Creation and Science’, ‘Other World Religions’ and ‘Mary.’ P.7 will be leading the first ‘First Thursday’ Mass this term and I am sure they will work hard and show maturity throughout. They will also be responsible for the music during Mass and will be expected to sing out well during the hymns proving that they are good role models for the younger children.

If you have any queries don’t hesitate to use your child’s diary as a means of contact with myself.
Thank you in advance for all of your support this year.

Many Thanks
Miss Mitchell

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