March 16, 2017
by Mrs Carlin
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This week was very interesting! We put aside our usual timetable and concentrated instead on SCIENCE!
At the start of the week, we explored forces and discovered that there are two types of forces- push and pull.
We investigated some everyday activities and sorted them into push and pull forces.
After this, we wanted to explore further the effects of forces. So, we made our own kites from plastic bags and then took them outside to fly them. The wind pushed the kites up and we pulled the kites along. What a great way to find out about forces.
The next day, we looked at how to stop things from moving. We know that brakes can do to on many vehicles but we also new that something else was at work! Friction!
Each group made a car and then let them go down different ramps. The ramps had different surfaces, creating different levels of friction, which slowed our cars down. It was great fun exploring friction.
On Wednesday we started to look at sound and how sound was made. We discovered that sound was made by vibrations. Big vibrations made pull sounds and little vibrations made quiet sounds. We made our own siring telephones to explored how sounds travel.
Also this week, we have been focusing on bringing in healthy snacks do that our teeth can be healthier. Here we are with our lovely smiles. With less sugary snacks…our smiles will last a long, long time!