April 20, 2020
by Mrs Rice Wilson
Good morning children and welcome back after the Easter Break! Hope you are all well and looking forward to more online learning! Did you have a good Easter break? You can tell me about it here or on Dojo. I have posted your Weekly tasks grid on our P5 Glow page and also on Dojo in the Class Story section. Each reading group has a separate grid so make sure you use the correct one. You should know which reading group you are in: Blue, Green, Red or Magenta. On your grid you will see there are reading tasks for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. All the other tasks can be done in any order and at your own pace. Remember to login to Sumdog for your daily challenge. Our new topic this term is the Iron Age. I think you’re going to find it really interesting! You can share your work here or on Dojo. Look forward to seeing how you get on this week! Have a wonderful day! Mrs Wilson.