We have had a busy few weeks in primary 6b.
Last week we celebrated All Saints’ Day on Friday by attending mass.
In our topic, we looked at where Spain is on a map in relation to the rest of Europe and also where it is in relation to us.
This week as part of Developing the Young Workforce week (DYW) we took part in lots of different activities. At the beginning of the week we thought about the skills and attributes we would need for the jobs we want to do in the future and then went on to write our own CVs.
On Thursday, we were joined by Young Inventors Scotland, where we had to think,
invent, build and present our very own inventions. This was great fun!
Finally, on Friday we attended the upper school Careers Fayre where we were joined by Fire Services, Police Scotland, a law practise and a physiotherapist but to name a few.
Also, we took part in a whole school assembly to showcase our inventions to the rest of the school from the day before and we loved every minute!