Welcome to our term 2 blog. We have had a busy week this week! Here you can see the autumn hedgehogs we painted using sponges. We did this when we were exploring the season of autumn in RE and across the curriculum. Everyone wrote autumn poems too and autumn prayers thanking God for autumn.
In PE this week we practiced our ball skills, controlling the ball with our feet. You can see us at one of the skills practice stations.
Our class street is complete! Lots of buildings have been made and added to the street and we think it would be a great place to live as it had everything you need. Well done to all who helped create these fabulous buildings.
Below, you can see our wall display showing some of our topic work for last term when we looked at our local community. This was an enjoyable topic for us to start with.
Another set of autumn pictures showing the trees changing colour from green to red, brown, orange, gold and yellow. We think these look wonderful!
In our class we are trying to improve our learning by using some helpful Growth Mindset characters. So far we have met Deema Duck who never gives up, Hamal the have a go hedgehog, Colin the concentrating caterpillar and Freddie the fun frog.
Look below to see some more buildings from our street.