St Bartholomew's Class Blog

P6a Daily Plan Monday 20th April 2020


Good morning everyone! I hope you all have had a safe and restful Easter break. Welcome to Term 4! Here are today’s tasks. I will be on Dojo and Glow so please send me a message to let me know how you are getting on.


1. Spelling: Group 1 – Here are your words:  separate, announcing, cough, fierce and necessary. Write them three times and write a sentence with each word, using other ambitious words.

Group 2 – Here are your words: brother, son, nothing, worry and work. Write your words in Pyramid spelling today.

2. Punctuation Focus – In the Literacy area of Glow there is a Punctuation Focus with today’s date. Re-write the paragraph adding in all the punctuation. Look out for capital letters, full stops, commas, speech marks and question marks. The answers will be posted later today.

3. Reading – Go onto Click ‘my class log in’ at the top. Log in with the following details:

Username – stbartsprimary6a

Password – reading

Diamonds  and Emeralds – Click on ‘My Bookshelf’ and search for the book called ‘Air Raid!’ Read chapters 1-3. Write 5 sentences about what happened in the story so far. Write 3 sentences about what you think might happen next.

Rubies and Sapphires – Click on ‘My Bookshelf’ and search for the book called ‘The Personality Potion.’ Read up to page 28. Write 5 sentences about what happened so far. Write 2 sentences about what you think might happen next.



4. Mental Maths –  Open the folder called ‘Mental Maths’ within the Numeracy section of our Glow page. Complete ‘Monday’ of Mental Maths 20.04.20 Page 1.

5.  Group 1 – Open ‘Division by a single digit 20.04.20’ in Group 1’s folder in the Numeracy section. Spend 30 minutes on this task – don’t worry if you don’t get it all finished. Just try your best 🙂

Group 2 – Open ‘Place Value up to 100,000’ in Group 2’s folder in the Numeracy section of Glow. Complete questions 1-6.

6. Sumdog – Spend some time on Sumdog. I have set a new challenge for today and tomorrow.


7. Exercise – If the weather is nice and it is safe to go outside, do some exercise. If not, click this link and do some P.E. with Joe Wicks.

If you need help with anything at all, just give me a shout. Have a great day everyone! 🙂

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