St Bartholomew's Class Blog

Primary 4 Update


We started off our week with another successful hockey lesson where we were learning to dribble – this was tricky. We worked in teams and in pairs and had some practice developing our own skills.
In RE, we have been learning about the church. After sharing our knowledge about our own church, St Bartholomew’s, we looked at the wider Catholic Church and learned all about the leader of the Catholic Church, Pope Francis.

Throughout the week, we have been exploring how to order numbers that are tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands. We are pretty skilled at this now.
Health and Well-being is a huge part of our day. Through our Emotion Works activities we delve deeper to help understand our emotions. We built up our 6- cog model and completed some work on how the cogs link together.

Understanding more about the world around us has been part of our IDL this term. We have learned a lot about nocturnal and diurnal animals. These nighttime foxes are beautiful. We developed skills in art using pastel to create texture for the fox, then used paint and chalk to create a cold night sky.
When we were in ICT, we started working on improving our word processing skills. We will keep you up to date on how we are getting on.

At our play area, we were all very busy this week creating, designing, repairing and dismantling!

What a team! A super class who have worked hard and followed the class charter all week. Fabulous!

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