St Bartholomew's Class Blog

P6b Daily Plan – Tuesday 05.05.20


Good morning P6!
Here is today’s suggested plan. 🙂

9.00 – 10.35: LITERACY
09:10-09:30 Spelling (ALL)

– Choose a fun spelling task and write today’s words in this way.

09:30 – 9.45: Handwriting (ALL)
– Within the Literacy section, open the ‘Handwriting’ folder and open the file called ‘The Star handwriting practice 05.05.20’. Copy this poem out in your neatest handwriting and remember your joins!

9.45 – 10:35: Newsround (ALL)
– Access the link below and read the article about Nasa and SpaceX teaming up for the first US astronaut launch since 2011. Pretend you are a news anchor and make your own episode of Newsround:

First of all, you will have to come up with a script and then you could record this using a phone/Ipad/camera.
I’d love to see what you come up with!

10:50-12:30: NUMERACY
Mental Maths (ALL)

– Open the folder called ‘Mental Maths’ within the Numeracy section of our Glow page. Complete Tuesday of ‘04.05.20 Mental maths’.
– Practise the 6 and 7 times table.

– Open the ‘Squares’ folder within the Numeracy section of Glow. Open the folder named ‘BODMAS’ and complete the exercise called ‘Bodmas revision 05.05.20’.

– Open the ‘Triangles’ folder within the Numeracy section of Glow. Open the folder named ‘Addition and subtraction’ and complete the exercise called ‘Addition with carrying (hundreds) 05.05.20’.

– Open ‘Circles’ folder within the Numeracy section of Glow. Go to folder named ‘Addition and subtraction’. Complete the exercise called ‘Chimney subtraction 1 05.05.20’.

1.15 – 3.00: P.E. (ALL)
– Try with Joe Wicks here:
– Get some fresh air and enjoy a nice walk with someone in your household.

Sumdog (ALL)
– Practice questions on Sumdog. I will open the house for you all too 🙂

Have a great day!
Miss Doyle 😀

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