St Bartholomew's Class Blog

P6b Daily Plan – Wednesday 01.04.20


Good morning! Here is a suggested plan for today. As always if you need help with anything just give me a shout. Have a great day! 😀

9.00 – 10.35: LITERACY

09:00-09:15: Spelling
– Write your words 3 times using a fun spelling task of your choice!

09:15- 10:35: Reading
ALL GROUPS -Visit the link below:

Audio Elevenses

Listen to the story and tell someone at home about what the story was about.

10:50-12:30: NUMERACY

-Mental Maths
Open the folder called ‘Mental Maths’ within the Numeracy section of our Glow page. Complete ‘Wednesday’ of the second page of this week.

-Then finish off any maths tasks that you haven’t finished over the past two days.
Tell me on Glow how you are getting on with them and send me a picture if you like!

-Play Sumdog for 30 minutes if you can. There has been a new challenge set and I have opened the house 😀

1.15 – 3.00

Visit this link and complete this P.E. session with Joe:


-In the ‘Religious Education’ folder on the right hand side of our Glow page, you will find a powerpoint named ‘The Stations of the Cross’. Work your way through this powerpoint, taking notes about what happened at each station. We will then create our own Stations of the Cross storyboard over this week and next. I will instruct you each day as to how we will complete this.

Also, please choose a different finger from the five finger prayer and say a prayer for them.

Have a great day! Remember if you have any questions, just ask. 😀
Miss Doyle

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