St Bartholomew's Class Blog

P6a Daily Plan Wednesday 01.04.20


Good morning everyone! Here are your tasks for today. Try and reply to me on the news feed on Glow to let me know how your day is going. Remember, just try your best!


1. Spelling: Group 1 – Find the ‘ci’ and ‘ti’ to make ‘sh’ words on your grid. Write your words three times and write a sentence with each word, using other ambitious words.

Group 2 – Write your words for today in rainbow spelling.

2. Reading

Diamonds and Emeralds – Read ‘An Indian in the Cupboard’ again, it is in the Diamonds and Emeralds section on Glow. There are also comprehension questions in this folder. You are going to answer these today, in full answers. Use your summary from yesterday to help you too! The question tells you how many marks it is worth, this is a guide to how long your answer should be. Don’t worry if you don’t get them all finished, just make sure you have full, HOT answers.

Rubies and Sapphires – Read ‘The Butterfly Lion’ again, it is in the Rubies and Sapphires folder in the Literacy section. There are also comprehension questions in this folder. You are going to answer these today, in full answers. Use your summary from yesterday to help you too!



3. Tables Skills – Practise your 8 and 9 times table to yourself. Write them down. Choose two and try to write down 2 other number sentences with the same numbers. Like the example from yesterday!

4. Mental Maths – Complete the Tuesday column of ‘Mental Maths 30.3.20 Page 1’. It is in the Mental Maths folder in the Numeracy section. I will post the answers later!

5. Sumdog – Play Sumdog for 30 minutes. I’ve set a new challenge for today and tomorrow.


6. Topic – Find the PowerPoint called ‘William Wallace Shield Design’ in the Topic section of Glow. First, read about the Armour, Weapons, Battle Equipment and Coat of Arms used during the Scottish Wars of Independence. Take some notes under these three subheadings and draw a picture for each section. Use the information on the PowerPoint. (This is all you have to do today for Topic – The task at the end of the PowerPoint is for tomorrow!!)

7. P.E. with Joe Wicks –

Click the link and do some exercise.


Have a great day everyone! Remember I am here to help you when you need it, just send me a message 🙂

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