St Bartholomew's Class Blog

P6b Daily Plan – Monday 30.03.20


Good morning everyone! I hope you have all had a lovely, peaceful and safe weekend!
Here is today’s suggested plan. 🙂

P6b Daily Plan – Monday 30.03.20

9.00 – 10.35: LITERACY
09:10-09:30 Spelling

– Choose 5 words to practise from your grid, choose a fun spelling task and write your words in this way.

– Choose a fun spelling task and write todays words in this way.

09:30- 10:35 Reading

– Read on in your novel. Read the next chapter and write a summary of your favourite chapter of your novel so far.

10:50-12:30: NUMERACY
Mental Maths (ALL)
– Open the folder called ‘Mental Maths’ within the Numeracy section of our Glow page. Complete ‘Monday 30.03.20’ of the first page.
Practise the 8 and 9 times table.

– Open the ‘Squares’ folder within the Numeracy section of Glow. Open the folder named ‘Fractions, decimals and percentages’ and complete the exercise called ‘Decimals Page 2’.

– Open the ‘Triangles’ folder within the Numeracy section of Glow. Complete the exercise called ‘Addition page 2’.

– Open ‘Circles’ folder within the Numeracy section of Glow. Go to folder named ‘Addition and Subtraction’. Complete the exercise called ‘Mental Addition 3’.

If you manage to finish your tasks, play Sumdog.

1.15 – 3.00:

– Complete this home workout with Joe:

– Click the ‘Topic’ section of our Glow page. Open the powerpoint named ‘William Wallace shield design’ and take note of the different weapons and their uses. You could also draw some of these alongside its description!

Keep up the great work 6b!

Have a great day!
Miss Doyle 😀

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