What a busy time we have had in school these past few weeks! Not only have we been busy with literacy and numeracy but we have also been busy getting ready for the Christmas show!
Here is a very smart P1 making and reading his own sentence – how clever.
Look at these wonderful angels – we have been learning about the important news that the angel gave to Mary and the important news that the angel gave to the shepherds.
You will have seen us on the stage on Monday – weren’t we just superb? Our teacher was so proud of us and she could not stop smiling at us when we were singing and saying our lines and dancing on stage. It was a great show.
Also this week, we have been designing and making in the STEM zone. W made some models then tested them out to see if they would move!
We worked on our own and with friends. It was interesting to share ideas and help each other with the designs.
On Thursday, we had our party. It was an amazing afternoon and everyone loved the dancing, party games and we even had a visit from Santa ! Amazing!!!
Everyone in Primary 1 has had a fantastic first two terms and has learned so much in this time. We hope everyone has a brilliant Christmas and comes back safe and ready for more fun and challenges in the new year! Mrs Carlin will miss us terribly over these two weeks and will be looking forward to hearing all of our news in the new term.