St Bartholomew's Class Blog

Teamworks the way to do it!


This week we enjoyed learning more about our topic for this term ‘The Romans’.

We became archaeologists as we started off exploring the classroom to see what different ancient artefacts we could find.

Next, we worked together with our team to piece together our artefacts and try to decide what we thought they could be. To help us with this we had some extra information in our mystery envelopes and we displayed excellent talking and listening skills in our teams to piece together the clues.


Finally the presenters from each group shared their groups findings with the whole class. As archaeologists we uncovered the equipment that would have been used by a Roman Soldier.


Also this week the P4 children were working hard thinking about love, care and celebrations in the church community and they enjoyed discussing this together and then making a flip book to share their thoughts about how Jesus is alive in their life together. 

The P5 children were also working hard this week sharing their knowledge of the 7 sacraments and focused on the ‘Sacrament of Healing’ thinking about the different miracles Jesus performed and how the sacrament of healing is shown today. 

Finally, we finished off our week by putting our digital technology skills to good use and accessed our Glow profiles to search, retrieve and share information about the Roman coin and Roman mosaics.

Keep an eye out on our blog for more fantastic work next week!! 😃🌟

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