We have been very busy at home and at school this week learning all about our local community. In class we have been looking at what a community needs and then we transferred our new knowledge to our home, where we engaged our parents in a big challenge! We had to design and make a 3D building that we thought would be good for our street that we are creating in class. Look out for our street picture when we name our street next week.
Also this week we have been learning to count along a number track, some of us found this quite tricky….
Here we are at RE time. We know that we all belong to different families, clubs, friendship groups and teams but we all belong together in church, in St Bart’s and we all belong to God. We made hearts to show that God loves us and we belong to him.
We will give you a finished heart as a gift when you co e to see us at our class assembly next Friday.