St Bartholomew's Class Blog

There’s a lot going on in Primary 5/6


Last week in Primary 5/6, we had some very special visitors from Miss Duffy’s class in Primary 1.

We went to the art auction together and had a wander round. Everything was very impressive and the children thought that the paintings were ‘very beautiful and colourful’. Some of us bought paintings, others reserved them until Monday when we were able to pay for them. We had a lovely time.
When we had finished, we returned to Primary 5/6’s classroom and the fantastic Primary 1s helped us to make some stain glass windows. We got a little sticky, but it was worth it because we created some excellent stain glass windows.

After that, we worked together to write some super stories. The Primary 1 pupils did a wonderful job helping the older boys and girls to remember to put capital letters and full stops in each sentence, while Primary 5/6 supported the younger pupils with spelling. Our stories were out of this world and some of us even got to share them with Miss Brennan and the rest of the class.

Since then Primary 5/6 have been very busy with digital learning. We’ve been learning about computer programs and learned that coding is giving a computer a set of step by step instructions to tell the computer what to do. Coding can be tricky, because the instructions have to be very specific and clear. If you make even one wrong command, the program could stop working! So we took the opportunity to practise our coding and problem solving skills in teams of three using an app called ‘lightbot’. It was a lot of fun and we deepened our knowledge of coding in the process. Miss Brennan was very impressed by our hard work and by how good we got!

On Tuesday this week some of our pupils joined a new Digital Learning club. We discussed and made notes of the areas that we want to learn more about and set up accounts on Scratch which will help us to develop our skills and understanding of coding and programming using the scratch language. We are very excited to do a little more on it next week!

Finally, we have been learning about the stations of the cross in R.E during Lent, and as part of our Pope Francis Faith Award journey, we are going to help out during the Holy Week morning services by sharing and presenting our learning. We’ve been busy bees preparing for it and are looking forward to this exciting and important opportunity.

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