St. Mary's Primary & Nursery Class, Cumbernauld

P7 Sacrament of Confirmation Update

Good afternoon!

Confirmation update 20th May 2021


Following a visit from Father Campbell this morning, he was able to confirm the following details regarding the celebration of the Sacrament of Confirmation.


How many people can attend the Mass?-  Following Government guidelines it will be the pupil (Confirmandi), 2 parents/guardians, siblings and sponsor.


On the evening before receiving the Sacrament, Thursday 10th June 2021 at 6pm, the children will have a rehearsal in Sacred Heart Parish. This will just be the pupil.


Father Campbell has asked for the child’s Baptism details to be passed to the school. He also advised he will return to the school next week with details regarding this.


As always thank you for your continued support during this very special preparation and if any updates are given, we will pass on this information. In the meantime if you have any questions regarding the Sacrament of Confirmation please contact the school and we will call you back.


Kind Regards

Mrs McPhilemy and Mrs Schammas

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