St. Mary's Primary & Nursery Class, Cumbernauld

P3 Term 4 Week 9 Home Learning

Dear Parents,

Wow, it’s hard to believe that we are now in the final full week of the school year! It has been an interesting term, to say the least! Thank you to EVERYONE for your positivity, hard work and perseverance during this incredibly challenging time in all of our lives.

Last week Mrs. Schammas and I were in school preparing the classrooms for the return of everyone in August. We will continue to be in school this week as well as working in the hub school so apologies if we take longer to reply to messages. 

This week your child has been assigned lots of fun end of term activities. There is no home learning schedule this week. Instead, you should access the ‘P3 End of Term Fun’ folder and work through the set activities according to your own schedule. Once these activities have been completed, please take the rest of the week to complete any outstanding tasks or activities that have been assigned throughout this term. Don’t forget to also make use of Sumdog, IDL and Epic!

In addition, the school is making a collection of home learning photos. Please can you email (to Mrs. Mori) any home learning photos that you would like to share by the end of the week. Many thanks!

Finally, please Save The Date for our Primary 3 End of Year Class Party on Tuesday 23rd June at 2:00pm. This will be conducted virtually on Microsoft Teams, more exciting details to follow. 

Have a wonderful week!

Mrs. Mori and Mrs. Schammas xx

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