Tag Archives: yoga

Our Book Week Celebrations Have Begun

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Book Week Scotland has got off to a flying start in the nursery!  The children responded very well to the staff and pupils of Dykehead Primary School, quickly forming relationships and listening attentively to the stories they had brought with them.

Whilst others participated in Story Yoga, learning new movements to go alongside the story of ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ before finishing off with a massage to the rhyme ‘Twinkle Twinkle Little Star’.

Thanks to some of our parents we were able to have an outing to the local library where a group of children got to borrow a book of their choice, please speak to your child’s key worker if you would also like to join us in our celebrations!

The shelves in our Book Swap Shop are filling up, so if any of your family have any old books they would like to trade in please bring them along and you can exchange them for  a new exciting read.

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What’s on week beginning 21st November 2016

Monday 21st November 2016

Nursery closed for In service

Tuesday 22nd November 2016

Scottish Book Week celebrations begin today

Pupils from Dykehead Primary will be joining the children in some shared reading

Siobhan will be supporting the Bumblebee group this morning

Library visits with Nicola, Amanda and parent volunteers

The Very Hungry Caterpillar to yoga with Christine

Wednesday 23rd November 2016

11.10 am Bookbug Rhyme Time family session with Amanda and Emma

Library visits with Nicola, Gail and parent volunteers

Gemma speech and language therapist will be in the nursery today

Gruffalo Trail in Nature Park with Susan, Elaine and parent volunteers

2.30pm – 4.30pm Christine attending Infant Massage event

Thursday 24th November 2016

1 pm – 3.45 pm Forest School session with Christine and Susan.

2.00 pm Visit to Rosehall Care Home with Amanda and Siobhan

Friday 25th November 2016

Siobhan is on annual leave today

9.30am We’re Going on a Bear Hunt to gymnastics with Natalie Waddle and Susan

10 am  Calderhead High School pupils visiting today to carry out storytelling sessions

Nevine educational psychologist will be in the nursery today

Remember Book Week Book Swap will be on each day.  This will be a fabulous opportunity to choose some new reading material for both you and your child.  Volunteers to help with swap are still required in the morning session.