Tag Archives: Meditation

Being healthy and active

The children have been active participants  in many learning opportunities outdoors.  They have been exploring how to move their bodies, share space, work cooperatively, keep themselves safe and above all being healthy. And oh how the mud kitchen has ….well we are sure you can answer that one for yourselves.

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Daily opportunities to consolidate the Play on Pedals family sessions have helped develop the children’s balance and coordination kills.

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Sid and Shanarri have ensured that the children are linking their knowledge within practical application.  The children are now keen to develop their own healthy living café….watch this space as their plans develop.

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The re introduction of the large climbing frame has had a positive impact in developing the children’s spatial awareness. Through consultation they have created their own safety rules and turn taking framework by using a display chart of their names. The use of the 15 minute sand timer ensures that the children all have an equal chance of using this apparatus.

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Within the construction area the children have been exploring endless possibilities whilst using the Jegra.  They have used their imagination to create models developing their upper body strength to pull and manipulate the various connectors.  The Jegra has encouraged the children to share the space available and work cooperatively.

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The children have been encouraged to think about how the food they eat helps them to be healthy.  There  have been lots of conversations about breakfasts and lunches and the importance of how this helps fuel our bodies and brains enabling us to be active and ready to learn.

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And finally after all that energy used there was time for some meditation and  mindfulness as the end of each session.