Enabling environments outdoors

We are so grateful to have received a wonderful gift, carefully crafted by Scott, Nicola’s husband, who under her direct guidance spent the summer creating such a wonderful resource for our children.

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All children have daily opportunities to choose to be curious and learn in the outdoor environment regardless of the weather. Take a moment when you arrive for their session and chat to your child asking whether or not hey intend to go directly outdoors. If they do there is no need to change their footwear. Please check to make sure they have a full set of dry clothing in their bags, especially socks and trousers which they can easily change into. All personal clothing should be clearly labelled, there are Sharpie pens available in the cloakroom if required.

Watch this space, follow us on TWITTER and most importantly talk to your child about their learning outdoors.

Behind every young child who believes in himself is a parent who believed first


would like to share some of the hopes and dreams our families have written during their induction to nursery last week.

”To settle in and have a great time”

”To make friends with everybody”

”To make friends and be happy”

”I hope he is healthy and happy”

”To settle into nursery and make some new friends”

”Have lots of fun learning and make new friends and learn lots of new things in new ways”

”To settle in well and make lots of friends and enjoy learning”

”Make new friends and be happy”

”To grow up and be happy and achieve all his goals and to know that whatever he chooses to do, his family will support him”

”For excellent learning and development and sharing and well mannered”

”To love making new friends and love learning “

”To be responsible, happy and have fun, share and spread love”

”To he settled, happy and make friends”

It is evident that the most importantly parents  wishes for their children is to have fun, make friends and above all be happy. We will endeavour to work with you to ensure that your hopes and dreams materialise and look forward to revisiting this in a few months time.

What’s on week beginning 19th August 2019

Monday 19th August 

Isabel is on annual leave today

Amanda is on leave all week.

Pamela is on leave all week, supporting the Bumblebee Group is Susan in the morning and Shannon in the afternoon

Early Learning Practitioner Ashleigh will be joining the nursery today on a temporary basis. She will be with us every Monday and Tuesday until further notice.

Tuesday 20th August

Lynn is out of the nursery this afternoon

Wednesday 21st August

Lynn is out of the nursery this afternoon

Gemma, speech and language therapist will be in the nursery this afternoon

Thursday 22nd August

Friday 23rd August

Have you confirmed your place yet?……..

Play on Pedals what a success

By June 2019, 65 % of the children could confidently ride a two wheeler bike.  This was a tremendous achievement for the children from highly skilled practitioners who celebrated in their success.

We were fortunate to secure the Community Grant from the Coop and have been putting this to excellent use.  So far we have purchased new adult bikes, additional two wheeler bikes of varying sizes, bike racks, replaced worn helmets, bought outdoor seating.

We intended to purchase new all weather clothing for children and staff which will enable them to take their bikes out in all terrains and weather within the local community.

We would welcome you to cycle with your child to nursery and use the secure storage areas.  This grant will enable us to enhance our lending scheme where as a family you can borrow the bikes and helmets over a weekend.

(This picture was taken last year when we used the Bonaccord Football Stadium with the children.)

What’s on week beginning 12th August 2019

Monday 12th August 2019

Staff In Service Training – Nursery closed

Welcome to Nicole our new Modern Apprentice Childcare and Education who will be joining the nursery this term. Nicole will be supervised by Christine.

Tuesday 13th August 2019

Staff In Service Training Nursery closed

Wednesday 14th August 2019

Lynn has made a return to work this week.

Kirsty has returned to her substantive job share post.

Pamela is currently on leave.  Gillian continues on her maternity leave.

We are excited to welcome  our returning families.  We hope that you have had a wonderful summer break and I am sure many of you will have grown.

Thursday 15th August 2019

Why not take a few moments and add your hopes and dreams for your child at nursery during their final year.  Butterflies can be collected from your child’s key worker.

Friday 16th August 2019

August 2019 Newsletter and What’s on week beginning 5th August 2019

During this week we have enrolments for children who will be due to start nursery from August.

A time and date was given on the letters offering sessions for the forthcoming term.

We look forward to meeting all the new children with their families.

Should you wish to receive a paper copy of the Newsletter please advise Lorraine in the admin office.


Please click on link to access August 2019 newsletter


Newsletter August 2019
Go to this Sway

What’s on Week beginning 24th June 2019

Monday 24th June
As children finish this week for their Summer holidays, please remember to take all belongings home.

Tuesday 25th June

Wednesday 26th June
Hollie -annual leave
Gemma speech & language therapist in nursery today.
Louise Smith will be in nursery filming some practitioners and children today for Mindfullness

Thursday 27th June
Hollie Annual leave
Bookbug Celebration 10.00am -11.00am in nursery. All returning children in August should attend this morning.
End of Term Celebrations for all children leaving to attend school– Calderhead High School
2.00pm -3.00pm.
We hope to see everyone for a fantastic celebration of our time at nursery.

Friday 28th June
Its our Family Fun Day…..
Come along and join the fun 10.30am -1.00pm
stalls including face painting, tattoos, cake & candy, raffle, Tombola and more.
We hope the sun shines but we have made arrangements for inclement weather.

All children will finish for their Summer holidays, we wish all children leaving us good luck for starting school.
All the staff of Shotts Family Learning Centre wish you a warm, happy Summer holiday with your families.
Nursery starts back Wednesday 14th August 2019

What’s on week beginning 17th June 2019

Monday 17th June


Tuesday 18th June

Rainbow Room Family Play on Pedals session 1.00pm

Wednesday 19th June

Gemma speech & Language therapist in Nursery pm

St Patricks primary school lunch- parents to attend (for all children starting in August)

Thursday 20th June

Rainbow Room Bookbug  1.00pm

Friday 21st June

Susan Annual leave

End of Term Celebrations –

Bookbug Celebration for all returning children Thursday 27th June 10.00am -11.00am in Nursery

Leavers Presentation Thursday 27th June – Calderhead High School 2.00pm – 3.00pm for all children leaving to start school in August  *PLEASE NOTE THEIR WILL BE NO NURSERY SESSIONS ON THESE DATES*

Hopefully the sun will shine for our Family Fun-day Friday 28th June 10.30am -1.00pm (only under 5’s for children attending)

We look forward to seeing you all at these events.


What’s on week beginning 10th June 2019

Have you checked the newsletter for June? click on the link at the bottom , paper copies available from office on request
Monday 10th June
Amanda Annual leave
Forest School Family Sessions cancelled both am & pm

Tuesday 11th June
Amanda Annual leave
Rainbow Room Family Nature Park Session – Cancelled
birth – 3 panel meeting
Sasha from Oral health in nursery this morning.
1.00pm Rainbow Room Play on Pedals Family Session

Wednesday 12th June
Parent Consultations -Butterfly Group
Shannon not in Nursery today
St Patricks school induction 1.30-2.30 parents to attend

Thursday 13th June
1.00pm Rainbow Room Bookbug

Friday 14th June

We are still continuing to accept any raffle/tombola prizes for our Family Fun Day on Friday 28th June.
We would also be grateful for any home baking donations.

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