What’s on week beginning 23rd September 2019

Monday 23rd September 

Bumblebee Group Bookbug and Story Massage Family Session led by Susan and Shannon, followed by a stay and play opportunity.

Tuesday 24th September 2019

Lorraine will be accepting Toy Fund Donations today

Wednesday 25th September 2019

Gemma speech and language therapist will be in the nursery today.

Ann educational psychologist will be in the nursery this afternoon

Thursday 26th September 2019

Lorraine will be accepting Toy Fund Donations today

Week 3 Dobemindful Parent Programme with Louise and Siobhan 10.30 am

Friday 27th September 2019

Public Holiday Nursery Closure

Remember the best way to keep up to date with daily events is by following the nursery on TWITTER @CentreShotts

What’s On Week Beginning 16th September 2019

Monday 16th September 2019

Amanda is on annual leave all week, Isabel will be supporting in the Rainbow Room

Tuesday 17th September

Nicola is out of the nursery today, Louise will be supporting the Butterfly Welcome Group

Lorraine will be available to collect any Toy Fund Donations in the cloakroom at 8.40 am and 1 pm

Alethea out of the nursery this afternoon

Wednesday 18th September

Childsmile visit to nursery am and pm sessions.

Parent support group with Isabel  11.00am – 11.30am

3.15pm -3.45pm – we look forward to seeing you in the Parent Room

Thursday 19th September

Lorraine will be available to collect any Toy Fund Donations in the cloakroom at 8.40 am and 1 pm

Do Be Mindful Family Programme with Siobhan  and Louise Smith. 9.00am – 12.00pm

Friday 20th September

Isabel is out nursery this morning, Claire, Depute Head of Centre from Craigneuk Family Learning Centre will be here in a supervisory capacity.

 Don’t forget the nursery will be closed for Public Holiday on Friday 27th and Monday 30th September 2019.

Family Engagement Opportunities 2019 



Shotts Family Learning Centre welcomes you to our Tea & Toast Bookbug and Story Massage Family Sessions commencing September 2019.  

All children are required to invite an adult to join them, mum, dad, gran, papa, aunt, uncle, childminder or family friend. Afterwards you are welcome to join your child at play in the nursery. 

 Bumblebee Families Monday 23 rd September 8.50 am and 1.10 pm 

Butterfly Families   Monday 7th     October     8.50 am and 1.10 pm 

Caterpillar Families Monday 21st    October     8.50 am and 1.10 pm 

Dragonfly Families  Monday 28th.    October     8.50 am and 1.10 pm            

Ladybird Families   Monday  4th      November   8.50 am and 1.10 pm 

 You are welcome to join more than one session and to bring along younger siblings, or if you are childminder bring along your other children in your care. 

 Last year we received excellent feedback and had over 90% attendance at our Bookbug sessions.  


What’s on week beginning 9th September 2019

Monday 9th September 2019

Louise from Dobemindful will be meeting  Siobhan and Lynn this morning to plan the next steps of our Mindful journey for parents and children.

Rainbow Room Have Your Say Consultation Meeting 1.10 pm

Details of our Family Bookbug Sessions including Story Massage will be posted very soon.

Tuesday 10th September 2019

Alehtea out of the nursery today

Lorraine will be available in the cloakroom to collect any Toy Fund Donations

Wednesday 11th September 2019

Gemma speech and language therapist will be in the nursery today

Welcome to Kayleigh,  HNC Childcare and Education student from West Lothian College who has joined us today to understate her practical training. Kayleigh will be in the Rainbow Room every Wednesday and Thursday.

Thursday 12th September 2019

Parent Support Group Meeting with Isabel 11 am in the Parent Room, invited along is Jen Community Learning and Development Hime Link Worker

Lorraine will be available in the nursery to collect any Toy Fund Donations

Friday 13th September 2019

Launched today will be the September/October Newsletter. You can access it in the following ways.

TWITTER @CentreShotts

Download via Shotts Family Learning Centre BLOG page

Collect a paper copy from Lorraine in the admin office


What’s on week beginning 2nd September 2019

This week we welcome Louise who will be joining the team on a temporary capacity until Gillian returns from her maternity leave.  Louise will be working a Monday & Tuesday one week, then a Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday the next. She will be supporting in the early level playroom .

Joining the team also is Alethea Britton, Excellence and Equity Lead, who will be supporting the team to deliver high quality learning and teaching. Alethea will be an asset to the nursery whilst Lynn has a further period of absence commencing this week.  It is anticipated that Lynn will not be returning until the end of the year.

Monday 2nd September 2019

Bumblebee Group Have your Say meetings 8.45 am and 1 pm with Susan and Shannon

Tuesday 3rd September 2019

Butterfly Group Have your Say meetings 8.45 am and 1 pm with Nicola

Lorraine will be collecting donations to the nursery fund today in the cloakroom area

Wednesday 4th September 2019

Caterpillar Group Have your Say meetings 8.45 am and 1 pm with Elaine

Gemma Kelly Speech and Language Therapist will be in the nursery today

Ann Treverrow Educational Psychologist will be in the nursery this morning

Thursday 5th September 2019

Dragonfly Group Have your Say meetings 8.45 am and 1 pm with Christine

Lorraine will be collecting donations to the nursery fund today in the cloakroom area

Friday 6th September 2019

Ladybird Group Have your Say meetings 8.45 am and 1 pm with Siobhan


What’s on week beginning the 26th August 2019

Monday 26th August 2019

Due to our Mindful Parents event could we ask that all children be collected by 3.30 pm where possible. This will ensure staff have time to prepare for the event.

Tuesday 27th August 2019

Lorraine will be in the cloakroom area to collect any toy fund donations.

Wednesday 28th August 2019

Gemma speech and language therapist will be in the nursery today.

Thursday 29th August 2019

Lorraine will be in the cloakroom to collect any toy fund donations.

Friday 30th August 2019

It will be lovely to see as many parents and carers participate in next weeks consultations. Your views really do matter in improving the life and work of the centre. We will be meeting in the Parent Room and promise it will take no more than 30 minutes out your day.

What a successful first week of term

It has been lovely to observe how all our returning children have settled so well back into the pace of nursery life.  Many of whom have grown and developed a newly found confidence.

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We have celebrated a few birthdays this week with some of the children who have turned 4. No one ever says no to the treat of a birthday cake, not even staff.

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The creation of the Mud Kitchen has been a resounding success, with the children developing their early numeracy skills as the count out the ingredients, with practitioners further challenging their thinking by asking to add on one more understanding that the last number is the amount they have. As a little thank you of our appreciation a small gift was presented to Nicola and Scott for their commitment over the summer holidays in creating this resource.

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Cooperating, turn taking and sharing resources outdoor seems to be so much easier for children. Is it the space, the freedom without interruptions or the awe  and wonder that learning outdoor brings?

Our new children have gradually been settling throughout the week and it has been reassuring that so many parents are taking the time to settle them enabling them to build relationships with key workers. Every child needs something different at points of transition and there is not one size fits all.

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The Fire Pit has been a resounding success with the children, although quite a few have initially thought it was a swing. The children have been learning about the risks associated with fires. Nicola and Susan are fully qualified level 3 Forest School Leaders and have completed a full risk assessment for this resource.

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Thank you to everyone who donated to the nursery snack basket this week, your generosity is really appreciated.

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