What’s happening week beginning the 19th October 2015

Monday 19th October 2015

Amanda is on annual leave until Thursday. 

Carly remains on sick leave this week, therefore Emma will support the Dragonfly Group.  

Christine is on sick leave until Thursday and Siobhan is on bereavement leave until Wednesday.  We are awaiting confirmation of temporary cover to support the nursery.

Jackie is delivering Play on Pedals training to colleagues within NLC early learning and childcare establishments.

Jennifer and Liz will be supporting in the early level playroom all week whilst Jackie is delivering play on pedals.

Tuesday 20th October 2015

Mary Ann, Sensory Support Teacher will be in the early level playroom this morning.

Wednesday 21st October 2015

Yvonne Quigg, Pre Five Learning Support Teacher will be in the early level playroom both morning and afternoon.

Forest School session with Nicola and Susan this morning. (Please note this this may be postponed due to current staffing levels.)

Thursday 22nd October 2015

Parents transition to primary school session at Calderhead High School 9.30 am till 11.15 am or 1.20 pm – 3 pm. Creating a Purposeful Transition.

Parent and child Big Chef Little Chef session with Jen Dawson in Calderhead Community Centre. 9.30 am or 1.30 pm.

Friday 23rd October 2015

Forest School session this afternoon with Nicola and Susan.

Infant massage with Christine in the Sunshine Room at 2.30 pm.

On Friday 30th October there will be an opportunity for your child to come to nursery in fancy dress to participate in some Halloween experiences.  Please note that this will be a normal session. Could we ask that children do not wear any scary masks which may frighten others.  Thanks.





Our Learning Environment

In consultation with the children we decided that we were ready to introduce tools to the woodwork bench.  We had a thorough chat about potential risks and dangers and together came up with a few simple rules to keep ourselves and each other safe whilst using them. The children are now demonstrating an awareness of these safety rules and can often be heard reminding each other of them.  

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By exploring their local environment, the children have been talking about how to be safe when crossing the road. On a recent visit to the Co op, the children had to use their eyes and ears to look and listen, making judgements on whether or not it was safe to cross the road. This was also a great opportunity for discussion about people who help us to cross the road such as mums, dads and the local lollipop lady. The children also had the chance to use the pedestrian crossing waiting for the red man to turn green and the cars to stop., before safely crossing the road.

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Children have been thinking about safety around their home environment and recreating this within the role play area while using a range of equipment and resources including knives, tin openers and graters etc.  They have participated in lots of discussions about risks present to them in their everyday lives and demonstrated this during their play.  A number of children have chosen some hands on experience within the real kitchen while making porridge, pasta and sandwiches. 


Within the outdoor learning environment the children have had many opportunites to manage and access risk, from using the climbing frame and resources appropriately to preparing themselves to use the balance and pedal bikes. Children are becoming more aware of the importance of keeping themselves and their friends safe. The outdoor café, mud kitchen and water zone have been very popular with children experimenting with more natural resources to count, compare sizes and measure their ingredient’s, using stones, water, mud , mint leafs and flowers. Some very delicious foods were created !!

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Water fun in the Rainbow Room

Over the last few week’s the children in the Rainbow Room have been curiously investigating the effects of water both indoors and out. They are beginning to copy and imitate each other as they pour and fill their watering cans, wash the cars and even joining each other as they have a little dip in the water tray. It’s great to know that mum or dad always pack a spare set of clothes to change in to.


What’s happening week beginning the 5th October 2015

Jennifer and Liz will be supporting in the early level playroom all week.

Carly is on leave, therefore Emma will be supporting the Dragonfly Group, Welcome Times.

Jackie is out of the nursery Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday delivering Play on pedals training to colleagues with North Lanarkshire Council.

Monday 5 th Oct

Amanda will be supporting the Caterpillar Group and Lauren in the Rainbow Room this morning whilst Christine and Elaine are preparing for the forthcoming Book Bug Family Rhyme Time Sessions.

Tuesday 6th Oct

Susan will be attending speech and language training today.

Wednesday 7th Oct

Forest School sessions with Nicola and Susan.

Yvonne Quigg, Pre five learning support teacher will be in the nursery today.

Lynn is on annual leave today.

Thursday 8th Oct

Siobhan is on annual leave today and tomorrow, therefore Jennifer and Liz will be supporting the Ladybird Group.

Irene McLaughlan, Head of Centre from Dunbeth Family Learning Centre will be supporting the nursery today whilst Lynn is on leave.

Gillian Learmouth, OT will be in the nursery today.

Friday 9th Oct

Sandra Ferguson, Head of Centre from Newmains Family Learning Centre will be supporting the nursery today whilst Lynn is on leave.

Forest School sessions with Nicola and Susan today.

Play on pedals

This is the last week of the early level Family Learning Play on Pedals sessions, we hope that you have thoroughly enjoyed supporting your child’s growing skill, confidence and development.



Agnes Retires

Agnes Dick retired today after nearly 16 years as caretaker within Shotts Family Learning Centre.

Agnes started within Shotts Family Learning Centre on October 1999 and has been an integral member of the team.  She will  be sadly missed by staff, parents and children.

To mark her retirement  children and staff decorated the nursery and had a party to thank her for her kindness, hardwork and dedication over the years.

We wish her well on the next chapter of her learning journey


What’s on week beginning 28th September


Public Holiday


Nancy Annual Leave

Jackie delivering Play On Pedals training within North Lanarkshire

Jennifer and Liz supporting early level playroom

Ladybird group Play On Pedals Family Session

April Stewart from Coltness High School will be with us all week on her Work Experience


Dragonfly group Play On Pedals Family Session


Butterfly group Play On Pedals Family Session


Parent.com meeting in the Parent Room 9.00am – 10am & 1pm-2pm  Everyone Welcome

Caterpillar group Lay On Pedals Family Session

Lauren & Amanda supporting early level playroom.




Forrest School Session

The first of four Forrest Schools sessions took place on Wednesday.  A great day was had by all.

The children were accompanied by Nicola, Susan and the Keeper of the Forrest where the children explored pond dipping, retelling the Gruffalo  story as well as  increasing their  knowledge and understanding of the environment 

The Forrest School approach believes in children’s right to play; the right to access the outdoors (and in particular a woodland environment); the right to access risk and the vibrant reality of the natural world; and the right to experience a healthy range of emotions, through all the challenges of social interaction, to build a resilience that will enable continued and creative engagement with their peers and their potential.

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