Mini Kickers

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The children in the Early Level had a fabulous time during their first session of the Mini Kickers programme at Calderhead High School. They were provided with opportunities to develop their listening skills, gross motor skills and work together as part of a team. In this session, Dylan and David taught the children how to control the ball using only their feet before a fun game of football.

What’s on week beginning 16th May 2016

Monday 16th May

Sophie Thomson work experience from Calderhead High School will be in the early level playroom this week

Pamela is on leave today, Emma will be supporting the playroom

Mini Kickers at Calderhead High School, remember if you are available to help walk the children to and from that would be great.  Don’t forget your bottle of water.

St Patrick’s Transition Primary Activity Week, Monday, Wednesday and Friday

Lynn will be in the early level playroom all week

Amanda is on annual leave all week

Liz will be supporting the early level playroom this afternoon

Caterpillar Group Parental Consultations – Progress Reports – 3.30 pm – 5.40 pm with Elaine

Tuesday 17th May

Pamela is on leave today, Emma will be supporting the playroom

Jackie is delivering Play on Pedals to colleagues within NLC establishments

Jennifer and Liz will be supporting in the early level playroom today

Wednesday 18th May

Elaine will be presenting at North Lanarkshire Council’s Learning Festival today

Natasha Henry student nurse will be spending the day in the Rainbow Room

Yvonne Quigg will be in the early playroom this morning

Gemma Kelly will be in the playrooms today

Early Level Parental Consultations – Progress Reports – 3.30 pm – 5.40 pm.  Where possible could all the children in the early level playroom be collected at 3 pm today

Thursday 19th May

Learning Together  Outdoors at Shotts Nature Park with Nicola and Gillian

Lauren will be supporting in the early level playroom today

Jennifer and Liz will be supporting in the early playroom today

Emma will be supporting in the early level playroom today

Birth to 3 Stay and Play Parent and Child session with Elaine and Christine this afternoon

Solihull Understanding Your Child this morning with Jen and Louise

Friday 20th May

Carly is on annual leave today

Lauren will be supporting in  the early level playroom this morning

 Dykehead Primary School transition lunch visit which Jackie will be joining

Solihull Understanding Your Child this afternoon with Susan and Carol

Jackie will be attending a meeting at Stepping Stones Family Learning Centre this afternoon regarding Building the Ambition

Learning Together Outdoors at Shotts Nature Park with Nicola and Gillian



Be safe in the sun

Please remember to apply sun scream to your child before they attend for their session and bring along a wide brim sun hat for them to wear whilst learning outdoors.

SLIP on a t-shirt

SLAP on a sun hat

SLOP on factor 50+ sun cream




What’s on week beginning 9th May 2016

Monday 9th May 2016

Pamela is on annual leave all week

Mini Kickers at Calderhead High School 10 am and 1.35 pm (please note change of afternoon time)

Lorraine is on annual leave all week

Lynn will be in the birth to three nursery all week

Tuesday 10th May 2016

Jackie is delivering Play on Pedals today to colleagues within NLC

Jennifer and Liz will be supporting the early level playroom today

St Patricks Primary School Transition visits 10.30 am and 1.30 pm

Wednesday 11th May 2016

Pre school Orthoptic Vision Screening

Jennifer supporting the early level playroom this morning

Lynn will attending a meeting in Kildonan Street this afternoon

Thursday 12th May 2016

Jennifer and Liz will be supporting in the early level playroom today

Solihull Understanding Your Child with Louise and Jen 9 am – 11 am

Learning Together at Shotts Nature Park with Gillian and Nicola this morning

Birth to 3 Family stay and play sessions with Elaine and Christine this afternoon

Friday  13th May 2016

Amanda is on annual leave today

Lynn will be attending an Improvement Methodology Workshop this morning delivered by the Early Years Collaborative Programme Manager

Dykehead Primary Transition visit this afternoon

Solihull Understanding Your Child with Carol and Susan 1 pm – 3 pm

Learning Together at Shotts Nature Park with Gillian and Nicola this afternoon





Mini Kickers at Calderhead High School

We hope that you have received your child’s invitation to participate in the 6 weeks block of Mini Kickers sessions delivered by two NL Leisure Sports Coaches. 

Calderhead High School have kindly offered the use of their gym hall.

Ages: 3 – 5 Years Old

Abilities: For all levels & abilities.

Skills Gained: Children will practice, play and build up an understanding of football games. They will also further develop their motor and social skills.

What to Bring: A drink (water is recommended).

What to wear: Comfortable sports clothes and trainers.

What Parents Say: ““The class was perfect for my daughter as she learned in a fun environment through games such as toy story . She loves Toy Story and this instantly engaged her and gave her the confidence to take part””

Cost:£1 per session

For more information or if you have not yet received your flyer please speak to your child’s key worker or contact the nursery on 01501 826713.

There is a slight change of time to the afternoon session due to coaches travel to and from the venue, therefore we will be leaving at 1 pm prompt from the Nursery to walk to Calderhead High School.

Mini Kickers

Learning all about Living Things

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The learning has came to life this week as the children have been monitoring the progress of the seeds and beans they planted last week.  There have been conversations throughout the nursery about what is needed to care for their plants and some children have been recording their growth.

Children have been expressing their creativity through a range of opportunities from creating their own representation of the different parts of the plants to learning and adapting new songs to link to our learning.

And of course, we have welcomed ten new baby chicks into the nursery, which has been a thrill to watch for children, staff and families!!  Everyone is equally excited about the new arrivals and eager to learn all about what is required to care for them, taking into account their basic needs.


What’s on week beginning the 2nd May 2016

Monday 2nd May 2016

Public Holiday

Tuesday 3rd May 2016

Jackie is delivering Play on Pedals to colleagues within NLC establishments.

Jennifer and Liz will be supporting in the early level playroom today.

Lesley Ann Henderson, Early Years Collaborative Programme Manager, will be in the centre this morning.

Pamela is on annual leave all week.

Lynn will be in the early level playroom all week.

Wednesday 4th May 2016

Jackie is delivering Play on Pedals to families in Jigsaw Family Learning Centre this morning.

Jennifer is supporting in the early level playroom this morning.

Thursday 5th May 2016

In Service Closure

Friday 6th May 2016 group meeting with Jackie at 8.50 am today in the Parent Room.

The hatched chicks will be collected today.

Solihull Understanding Your Child with Carol and Susan this afternoon.

Dykehead Primary School Transition event 1.15 pm.

Learning Outdoors at Shotts Nature Park with Nicola and Gillian this afternoon.





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