3-5 Nurturing Early Readers Programme

The Nurturing Early Readers programme has made a welcome return, with children excited to explore the characters and events in their new stories.  The programme will run daily  where the Three Read Approach to literacy will be used to enable children to develop their early literacy skills. The books and new vocabulary which will be promoted to children can be found below:

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What’s on week beginning 22nd August 2016

Welcome to the new families who have joined the centre this term.

Joining the staff team in the early level playroom every afternoon is Early Learning Practitioner, Amy McIntyre. With Shannon White on a Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.

Emma Burns has taken up the temporary position as job share in the Rainbow Room along with working every Thursday in the early level playroom.

Monday 22nd August 2016

Lynn will be in the early level playroom all week.

Tuesday 23rd August 2016

Lynn is attending the Wishaw and Shotts Practitioners Forum this afternoon.

Wednesday 24th August 2016

Emma is attending Video Enhanced Reflective Practice (VERP) training at the GLO Centre Motherwell.

Thursday 25th August 2016

Friday 26th August 2016

Jen Dawson, CLD Homelink Worker will be in the centre this morning to meet with Lynn

Newsletter will be issued at the end of  next week.

Gala Day Winners

Drumroll please…Yes we did it!! All our hard work paid off!! Shotts family learning centre placed 1st in Shotts galaday float school & nursery section!! Just to add to the buzz we won best overall float!! So happy our children were able to represent their nursery. I’m a little sad that this was my 1st time involved & also my last. But i’m sure my lovely girls that still have kids attending nursery will keep it going. Such a special moment/day for the nursery kids. They all loved it as did us mummies. Super proud hope all u guys are too. Hopefully the link will work let everyone see our float in the procession. Thanks. X Amanda Barr



Solihull Approach Parenting Group


Well done to the group parents who successfully completed their 10 week Solihull  ” Understanding your child” parenting programme.

Parents evaluations on the difference working through the programme have included:

“I’m less stressed and more confident”  ” I’ve learned how to cope with different situations”

“I’m sad it’s finished”  “I’m more calm”  “I’ve made friends”  “I need to take a step back”

“relax and be consistent”  “sad it’s over and Thankyou”

As facilitators, Carol and Susan are really proud of the individual achievements the parents who attended this group have made it has been a pleasure to be part of their journey. Many thanks for your contribution.

Summer in Shotts – Big Chef, Little Chef and Teddy Bear Picnic

Come along to our Big Chef, Little Chef session in Calderhead High School  on Wednesday 6th July 10 am – 12 noon, delivered by Jen Dawson Homelink Worker, the session will offer a fun cooking experience for parent/carer and chid who will work together as a team to prepare two healthy dishes.

Places available for 12 x parents and children 3 – 5 years.

Every child must be accompanied by an and adult.

Sessions will last approximately 2 hrs.

Come along and join the Teddy Bears Picnic  in Calderhead High School on Thursday 7th July 10.30 am – 12 noon fun for children aged 3-5 years and parent/carer.

The event will start with storyteller Gerry Durkin entertaining us with stories and songs.  Then Jen Dawson, Homelink Worker will continue the fun with some teddy themed snacks and activities for all to try including a teddy toddle around the playground.

Children should bring along a favourite teddy (or toy).

Places available for 20 x parent/carer and children 3 – 5 years

Contact Jen Dawson on 01698 274344 for further information or book you places by speaking to Lynn or Jackie.

Remember to pick up a Summer in Shotts flyer which will give you all of the events  which Community Learning and Development will be delivering to families from Monday 4th July to Friday 8th July 2016 in Calderhead High school.

Monday 4th July   WIN LOSE DRAW


Wednesday 6th July  DIGITAL DABBLE

Tuesday 5th  July   JUNK MODELLING



Tuesday 5th – Friday 8th July  SUMMER CHILL

Tuesday 5th – Thursday  7th July  SUMMER JAM 


What’s on week beginning 20th June 2016

********There will be no Mini Kickers session this week***************************

Monday 20th June 2016

Nicola remains on sick leave, therefore Emma will continue to support the Butterfly children.

Siobhan AL, Pamela will be supporting the Ladybird Group.

Linda Gouter and Mary Ann Williams will be in the early level playroom today.

Tuesday 21st June 2016

Nicola remains on sick leave, therefore Emma will continue to support the Butterfly children.

Siobhan AL, Pamela will be supporting the Ladybird Group.

Christine is on Special Leave this afternoon.

Wednesday 22nd June 2016

Nicola remains on sick leave, therefore Emma will continue to support the Butterfly children.

Pamela is on annual leave today.

Thursday 23rd June 2016

Leavers Presentation at the Henderson Theatre, 9.30 am.  All pre school children.

Bookbug Gifting Ceremony at the Henderson Theatre 1.30 pm.  All ante pre school children.

Pamela is on annual leave today.

Friday 24th June 2016

Pamela and Lauren are both on annual leave today.

Saturday 24th June 2016

Shotts Gala Day

If you are intending to join the nursery float, can you please record your child’s name and accompanying adult on the list provided in the cloakroom by Monday 20th June 2016.

Monday 27th June 2016

Parent and child summer outing to Five Sisters Zoo.

Tuesday 28th June 2016

Wednesday 29th June 2016

Today we will be having a PLAY ON PEDALS day for the children where they can bring their bikes to nursery for the last session. the car park will be therefore closed for all users, including staff.  We would ask that on tis occasion you consider walking your child to nursery on their bike due to the safety concerns when parking on Shottskirk  Road.


What’s on week beginning 13th June 2016

Monday 13th

Siobhan is on annual leave until the 15th June, Pamela will be supporting the Ladybird Group

Bumblebee Play on Pedals Family session 8.45am-9.15am

Karen from Childsmile will be in the nursery this morning

Mini Kickers session at Calderhead High School 1.30pm-2.30pm

Tuesday 14th

Nicola is on sick leave, Emma will be returning to support the Butterfly Group until Nicola’s return.

St Patrick’s Primary School class visit 9.30 am and 1.30 pm

Jackie will be delivering Play on Pedals to colleagues within NLC, Jennifer and Liz will be supporting the playroom today

Lynn will be attending the Heads of Centre meeting at 3 pm when Jackie returns to the centre

Wednesday 15th

Yvonne Quigg, will be in the early level playroom today

Karen Reid, Health Visitor will be in the nursery this morning

Solihull Understanding Your Child with Jen and Louise at 1 pm

Lynn will be attending the Birth to Three Area Admissions meeting in Newmains Family Learning Centre

Gemma Kelly,  Speech and Language Therapist will be in the nursery today

Thursday 16th

Learning Together at Shotts Nature Park with Jackie and Gillian

Laura McDonald Speech and Language Therapist will be in the early level playroom this morning

Friday 17th

Mini Kickers at Calderhead High School, 10 am

Learning Together at Shotts Nature Park with Susan and Gillian





Health and Wellbeing……

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Over the past week children have been discovering the various ways in which they can keep themselves healthy. With the welcomed arrival of the summer sun parents/carers have taken a lead role in promoting ‘safety in the sun’ by applying sunscreen before or on arrival at nursery, this routine and the availability of sun hats within the nursery are ensuring children are now more aware of the importance of protecting themselves from the suns harmful rays.  As well as the temperatures soaring so have the energy levels of the children as they are keen to demonstrate the different ways in which they can move and challenge their bodies.   By participating in fun experiences including sticky kids, obstacle courses, play on pedals or by just simply exploring the nursery gardens the children have gained confidence and learned some new gross motor skills along the way.  During these times children have shown knowledge in how to fuel their bodies by drinking lots of water and eating healthy snacks.  This learning has been extended inside the nursery playroom as children have the opportunity to explore a range of health promoting resources including jigsaws, table top games and books.

Play on Pedals Family sessions have been a big success with a large number of carers in attendance to be part of and observe the progress that their children have achieved to date.  Children embraced the chance to show off their skills in balance, coordination, direction, special awareness and manoeuvring.

The nursery has now successfully trained three parent cycle assistants to support the delivery of the Play on Pedals programme over the forthcoming academic year.

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