Category Archives: Whole Nursery

What is on week commencing 8th February 2016

Monday 8th and Tuesday 9th

Mid term holiday for term time children

Wednesday 10th

In service training “Five to Thrive”

Thursday 11th

Amanda OT will be in the early level playroom this morning

Jennifer and Liz will be supporting the early level playroom today

Susan, Christine and Amanda will be supporting in the early level playroom this afternoon

Elaine will be attending the Infant Mental Health course in the morning and in the afternoon her VIG supervision

Friday 12th

Susan, Christine and Amanda will be supporting in the early level playroom this afternoon

A new child will be joining the Dragonfly Group this afternoon

Issued today will be a copy of the forthcoming Family Learning Sessions




What’s on week beginning 25th January 2016

Monday 25th 

Lynn will be in early level playroom this week.

Liz and Jennifer will be supporting the early level playroom today.

Marjory McCallum from St Patricks Primary and Nursery will be meeting with Jackie this afternoon to discuss transition arrangements.

Alison Hay Childcare Development Officer will be in the centre this afternoon.

Tuesday 26th

Jackie will be delivering Play on Pedals to colleagues within NLC establishments.

Mary Ann Williams, Sensory Support Teacher will be in the early level playroom this morning.

Amanda, Occupational Therapist will be in the early level playroom this morning.

Wednesday 27th 

Birth to 3, parent consultations 9 am and 1 pm in the Parent Room.

Today will be Nancy’s last day in the centre before she begins her retirement.

Thursday 28th 

Elaine will at the Infant Mental Health Course this morning.

Amanda and Susan will be supporting in the early level playroom this afternoon.

Elaine and Christine will be finalising their preparations for the forthcoming Book Bug & Stay and Play Parent and Child sessions.

Head Teachers Agnes Anderson, Alexander Pedan Primary, Scott Clark, Stane Primary, Tina Donnelly, Dykehead Primary, Isobel Cook and Brendan Duffy, Coatholm Primary will be meeting with Lynn and Jackie this afternoon to discuss effective early level transition in children’s numeracy learning and development.

Friday 29th 

Lynn will be attending a Transition Event, at HQ Coatbridge this morning.

Multi agency planning meeting for colleagues to roll out the Solihull Approach to Understanding your Child’s Behaviour in the centre this afternoon


What’s on week beginning 18th January 2016

  On Monday Claire Allan, ASNa will be joining the team to support the children, then Ann Greecan, ASNa will join Claire on the 25 th January 2016.

Monday 18th January 

Lynn will be supporting the staff and children in the birth to three nursery this week.

Bumblebee Group parents consultation – engaging in family learning, 11 am and 3.20 pm.

Lynne Adams, Specialist Epilepsy nurse will be in the nursery this afternoon.

Tuesday 19th January

Jennifer and Liz will be supporting in the early level playroom today.

Jackie will be delivering Play on Pedals to colleagues within NLC this morning.

TCIB will be installing a new projector for the smart board this morning in the early level playroom.

Wednesday 20th January 

Susan will be out the remainder of the week undertaking First Aid training, supporting in the Rainbow Room will be Jennifer and Liz.

Thursday 21st January

Elaine will be attending her training on Infant Mental Health, Jennifer will be supporting Elaine’s Welcome Group and Nurturing Early Readers this morning.

Lynn will be at the Civic Centre attending the Heads of Establishment meeting today.

Friday 22nd January

Jackie is on annual leave today.

Lynn will be out the centre all day, supporting will be Sandra Ferguson from Newmains Family Learning Centre.



The children will celebrating Burns Day on Monday 25th January, if possible could they wear something tartan a ribbon, shirt, sash, bobble or even a kilt.  Donations of shortbread or oat cakes for snack would be greatly apprectiated


Thank you to those parents and carers who came along to meet their child’s key worker to “Have your say” in the types of family learning you would like to us to plan over the year ahead.  Once all the information is collated we will then produce a yearly calendar of events.

Nancy Duncan, clerical assistant, will official retire week ending the 29th January 2016, we would like to take this opportunity to thank Nancy for all her support and commitment which she has provided to the centre.  Replacing Nancy on temporary basis on Monday 1st February will be Lorrraine Monaghan, Lorraine will work a Monday and Tuesday from 9 am until 5 pm and 9 am till 11 am on a Wednesday.


In the event of severe weather we would ask you to check NLC website to ensue that the centre is opened.  Caretaking staff within their remit have the responsibility of ensuring that the paths from the inside gate to the entrance doors of each building remain clear, however they are not responsible for clearing nor gritting the car park.  Therefore, if you intend to drive to the centre please enter with due care and consideration and park only in the spaces provided and not along the pathway/fence of the birth to three building as the safety of all users is of paramount importance.

It may be good idea to telephone the centre to ensure that staff have made their way safely to work before setting off, as without the majority of staff present we would be unable to let you leave your child/ren for their session.  Or if the weather turns severe during your child’s sessions and we are forced to close, it is essential that admin staff have an up to date telephone contact number.

We thank you in advance of your co-operation and understanding during severe weather situations.

What’s On Week Beginning 11th January 2016


Victoria McLeod will be joining us as our new Additional Support Needs Assistant within the Early Level Playroom in the morning.  We are looking forward to welcoming Victoria into the nursery.

We will also be joined by another Additional Support Needs Assistant over the next couple of weeks and will keep you updated on her arrival.

Caterpillar Group Parent Consultations 11am-11.40 & 3.20pm-3.55pm in Parents Room

Lynn will be in the Early Level Playroom all week

Vickie Scott Physiotherapist in Early Level Playroom a.m.


Jackie delivering Play on Pedals training to North Lanarkshire Council establishments

Jennifer and Liz supporting Early Level Playroom


Dragonfly Group Parent Consultations 11am-11.40 & 3.20pm-3.55pm in Parents Room


Jennifer and Liz will be supporting the Early Level Playroom

Butterfly  Group Parent Consultations 11am-11.40 & 3.20pm-3.55pm in Parents Room


Ladybird Group Parent Consultations 11am-11.40 & 3.20pm-3.55pm in Parents Room






Primary 1 Enrolment – August 2016

Pease bring your child’s birth certificate and a recent Council Tax Bill with you to enrol.

Dykehead Primary

Monday – 11th January       9.15am-11.15am & 2pm-4pm

Tuesday   12th January       NO ENROLMENT

Wednesday 13th January    9.15am-11.15am & 2pm-4pm

Thursday 14th January         Time as above

Friday 15th January              Time as above

St Patrick’s Primary

Monday 11th January            9.30am-12pm & 1.30pm-4pm

Wednesday 13th January       Time as above

Thursday 14th January           Time as above

Stane Primary

Monday 11th January        9.15am-12pm  & 2pm-4pm

Thursday 14th January      Time as above

Friday 15th January            Time as above

Please contact local school for any further information

Christmas Parties Tuesday 22nd December

Christmas Parties

Tuesday 22nd December 2015

9.30 am and 1.30 pm

In the Parent Room tea, coffee and a great deal of festive chat will be available for any parents or carers who wish to stay after dropping their child off, before joining the children to sing Santa into the playroom

Birth to Three

Santa will arrive at 10 am and 2 pm to give each child their special gift.

Early Level Playroom

Santa will arrive at 10.30 am and 2.30 pm to give each child their special gift.

Have a wonderful Christmas holiday

What’s on week beginning 7th December

Wrapping of the children’s gifts – Can you help?

Hamper Donations being accepted for the Food Bank

Gillian will be continuing to make her phased return this week

Monday 7th December 2015

Tuesday 8th December 2015

Jackie is delivery Play on Pedals to colleagues within NLC

Jennifer and Liz will be supporting in the early level playroom

Wednesday 9th December 2015

Jennifer and Liz will be supporting in the early level playroom

Yvonne Quigg Pre Five Learning Support Teacher will be in the early level playroom today

Hazel Connaghan will be in the Sunshine Room this morning

Thursday 10th December 2015

Lynn and Elaine will be attending training on  the “Understanding your child’s behaviour programme”

Jennifer and Liz will be supporting the Caterpillar Group today

Gemma Kelly Speech and Language therapist will be in the centre all day

Friday 11th December 2015

Jackie  will be attending training on “Understanding your child’s behaviour programme”

Lauren, Christine and Susan will be supporting in the early level playroom

Amanda will be supporting in the early level playroom this afternoon

Sponsored Sing a long

” Thanks to everyone who helped their child to learn the words for the recent sponsored sing a long held last week.”

Could we remind all parents/carers that any donations raised be returned to Nancy who will be in the reception area on Monday 23rd and Tuesday 24th November at 8.40 am, 11.40 am, 1 pm and 3.50 pm.  As all money requires to be banked on Tuesday before we can go out and purchase Christmas for the children on Friday. 

Those who are in the Birth to Three provision can take your sponsor donations direct to Nancy in the admin office.

What is on week beginning the 23rd November 2015

Gillian remains on sick leave, therefore Emma shall continue to support the Bumblebee Welcome Group.

Jennifer and Liz will be supporting in the early level playroom all week.

Lynn will be in the early level playroom this week.

This week is Book Week Scotland, where the children will be involved in a number of experiences and opportunities to celebrate this event.

Monday 23rd November 

Nancy will be in the reception area at the beginning and end of each session to collect any donations from last weeks sponsor Sing a long.

Siobhan is on annual leave today.

Christine, Susan and Lauren will be supporting in the early level playroom this morning.

Tuesday 24th November

Jackie is on annual leave until Friday.

Wednesday 25th November 

Yvonne Quigg, Pre five learning support teacher will be in the early level playroom today.

Thursday 26th November

Siobhan will be taking a group of morning children to visit Rosehall Care Home, to share their favourite stories.

Gemma Kelly, speech and language therapist will be in the nursery all day.

Christine, Susan, Lauren and Amanda will be supporting in the early level playroom this afternoon.

Friday 27th November

A couple of practitioners will be out today purchasing some of the children’s Christmas gifts.

Lynn will be out of the centre today at the local Area Heads of Establishment meeting.