Category Archives: What’s On

Whats on week beginning 5th June 2017

Monday 5th June 2017

Butterfly Parent Consultations

Lynn will attend Birth – 3 Admissions meeting in Wishaw Family learning Centre

Susan Annual Leave -pm

Tuesday 6th June 2017

Dragonfly Parent Consultations

Lynn will be in the Rainbow Room today

Wednesday 7th June 2017

Ladybird Parent Consultations

Lynn will be in the Early level playroom today.

Yvonne from ELCAT team will be in the centre this afternoon

Gemma Speech & Language therapist is in nursery today.

Rosehall Care Home visit this afternoon

Thursday 8th June

Bumblebee Parent Consultations

St Patricks school visit today

Solihull Understanding your child with Jen and Debbie at 1.30pm

Friday 9th June 2017

Caterpillar Parent Consultations PM only

Amanda Annual leave -pm Isabel will be supporting Rainbow Room

Elaine at Sid & SHINNARI training this morning

Dykehead Primary school lunch visit today

Natalie Oral Health Educator – Childsmile

Susan Annual leave-pm


What’s on week beginning the 22nd May 2017

Monday 22nd May 2017

Lynn will be in the early level playroom today.

Rainbow Room family play on pedals session 9 am – 9.30 am, with Susan, Kirsty and Amanda.

Rainbow Room children attending the forest this afternoon with Lynn, Amanda and Kirsty.

Tuesday 23rd May 2017

Lynn will be in the Rainbow Room today.

Bob Duncan Additional Support Needs Manager will be in the nursery today.

Isabel will be attending a session on Resilience at Chatlerhault Park, 11am – 1 pm

Early Level Curriculum Open Evening 6 pm till 7.30 pm for all parents returning and new families joining the centre in August 2017.  Can all afternoon children be collected at 3.30 pm today to enable the staff to set up for the event.  Thankyou.

Wednesday 24th May 2017

Lynn will be in the early level playroom today.

Yvonne from the ELCAT team will be in the centre this afternoon.

Gemma speech and language therapist is on holiday today.

Thursday 25th May 2017

Nurturing Nature Forest school family session with Nicola and Taylor 8.50 am and 1 pm.

Solihull Understanding your Child with Jen and Debbie at 1.30 pm.

Siobhan will be attending the Shotts Cluster Group this afternoon.

Friday 25th May 2017 & Monday 26th May 2017

Public holiday no service.

What’s on week beginning 15th May 2017


Monday 15th May 2017

Siobhan is on annual leave today

Tuesday 18th May 2017

Afternoon children visiting Rosehall Care Home, to share a few favourite traditional stories.

Wednesday 19th May 2017

Siobhan attending Calderhead Cluster Numeracy Group 3.15 pm

Thursday 20th May 2017

Nurturing Nature Forest School with Nicola 8.45 am and 1 pm

Solihull Understanding your Child programme with Jen and Debbie 1.30 pm

Susan attending Boardmaker Training in the afternoon

Friday 21st May 2017

Isabel attending Boardmaker training in the morning

Dykehead Primary Transition Visit 1.15 pm for all the children

Lynn & Lorraine attending official opening of Allanton Primary Garden

What’s on week beginning 8th May 2017

Monday 8th May 2017

Lynn will be in the early level playroom today

Amanda occupational therapist will be in the centre this morning

Tuesday 9th May 2017

Lynn will be in the Rainbow Room today

Wednesday 10th May 2017

Lynn will be in the Rainbow Room today

Gemma speech and language therapist will be in the nursery today

Yvonne, ELCAT will be in the nursery this afternoon

Thursday 11th May 2017

Lynn will be in the early level playroom today

Nurturing Nature Forest School session with Nicola and Taylor this afternoon

Solihull Understanding your Child parent/carer session with Jen and Debbie this afternoon

Friday 12th May 2017

Lynn will be in the early level playroom today

8.50 am and 1 .10 pm Ladybird Play on Pedals Family Learning session with Susan and Siobhan

Dykehead Primary Transition Event 11 am

Natalie Oral Health Educator from Childsmile will be in the nursery this afternoon

What’s on week beginning 1st May 2017

Monday 1st  May 2017

Bank Holiday Nursery Closure

Tuesday 2nd May 2017

Pre school Orthoptic Visual Screening

Wednesday 3rd May 2017

Mary will be delivering ABC music with the morning children

Gemma speech and language therapist will be in the centre today

Roseann educational psychologist will be in the centre this morning

Yvonne from the ELCAT team will be in the nursery this afternoon

Thursday 4th May 2017

In Service closure

Friday 5th May


What’s on week beginning the 17th April 2017

Monday 17th April

Public Holiday

Tuesday 18th April

Please remember to collect a Newsletter from your child’s key worker

Isabel is on annual leave all week

Clare ASNa will be returning today

Wednesday 19th April

Gemma speech and language therapist will be in the centre today

Roseann educational psychologist will be in the centre this morning

Bookbug Rhyme Time Family Session in the Rainbow Room 11.15 am

Thursday 20th April

Solihull Understanding Your Child with Jen and Debbie 1.30 pm – 3.30 pm

Nurturing Nature Forest School sessions with Nicola 1 pm – 4 pm

Siobhan will be attending a Numeracy Cluster planning meeting at Dykehead Primary 3 pm

Friday 21st April

Kodaly will be delivered by Claire this afternoon in the early level playroom


What’s on week beginning 27th March 2017

Monday 27th March 2017

Siobhan is on annual leave today, Isabel will be supporting the Ladybird Group.

Lynn is on annual leave today.

Final session of Dance with Rebecca.

Claire Howard will be supporting a Kodaly session with the afternoon children.

Tuesday 28th March 2017

Lynn is on annual leave today.

Wednesday 29th March 2017

Gemma speech and language therapist will be in the centre today.

Bookbug Family Rhyme Time 11.15 am in the Rainbow Room.

Thursday 30th March 2017

Nurturing Nature Family Forest School session with Nicola 8.40 am and 1 pm.

Can all sponsor donations be returned to the admin office today please.

Friday 31st March 2017

Please note that there will be no Play on Pedals Family session today.

Welcome to Taylor Cassidy who is a Modern Apprentice in Early Learning and Child Care.  Taylor will be in the centre 4 days a week for a year.

Easter Bunny Hunt, Family Sponsored Walk to Shotts Nature Park……remember to follow the clues left by the Bunny…….where will he be I wonder?

Have a lovely Easter Break.

What’s on week beginning the 20th March 2017

Monday 20th March 2017

Isabel is on annual leave Monday and Tuesday

Dance with Rebecca

Tuesday 21st March 2017

Pre school orthoptic visual screening today

Wednesday 22nd March 2017

Lynn will be attending the Heads of Establishment meeting today

Speech and Language Drop in Clinic in the centre today with Gemma Lythgoe 9.30 am and 11.30 am.

Thursday 23rd March 2017

Nurturing Nature Forest School family sessions with Nicola at Shotts Nature Park

Friday 24th March 2017

Siobhan is on annual leave today

Play on Pedals family session for Bumblebee Group

What’s on week 13th March 2017

Monday 13th March 2017

Gillian has had to finish a week earlier than anticipated, therefore Emma will take over as from today as key person to the Bumblebee children.

Amy has returned to support the learning and teaching every afternoon in the early level playroom.

Isabel is on a 3 day Hanen, Learning Language and Loving it, course.  Lynn will be in the early level playroom over these 3 days.

Tuesday 14th March 2017

Susan will be supporting in the Rainbow Room this afternoon whilst Kirsty is off.

Wednesday 15th March 2017

Gemma speech and language therapist will be in the nursery today.

Thursday 16th March 2017

Nicola is out of the nursery this morning, therefore Isabel will be supporting Butterfly children.

Roseanne educational psychologist who has taken over from Nevine will be in the nursery this afternoon.

Susan is out of the nursery this afternoon.

Friday 17th March 2017

Play on Pedals Family Session for Ladybird Group, 8. 40 am and 1 pm, please meet at the bike shed.

Claire Howard, will be delivery a Kodaly session for the children in the early level playroom.


End of term summer outing

Due to an excellent response from the recent consultation, it was unanimously decided that the end of term parent and child outing shall be to Blair Drummond Safari Park March 2017, on Monday 26th June. 9am until 3 pm.  This is a whole establishment outing with each child requiring a responsible parent or carer to accompany them.  The nursery will be closed on the day of the outing.

Image result for blair drummond safari park

What’s on week beginning 6th March 2017

Monday 6th

Please complete the consultation in the reception area for the choice of venue for parent and child end of term summer outing.

Dance with Rebecca for children in the early level playroom.

Tuesday 7th

Lynn will be attending the Heads of Centres meeting in Kildrum Family Learning Centre this morning

Lynn will be attending this afternoon a Head’s of Establishment Support Session in Clyde Valley High School this afternoon.

Wednesday 8th

Lynn will be in the early level playroom all day today.

Gemma speech and language therapist will be on training today.

Thursday 9th

Lynn will be in the Rainbow Room all day today.

Nurturing Nature Forest School Information session with Nicola 9 am and 1 pm in the Sunshine Room.

Please complete the consultation in the reception area for a fund raising event.

Friday 10th

Big Chef Little Chef with Jen in the Sunshine Room 1.15 pm.