Category Archives: Early Level
Health and Wellbeing……
Over the past week children have been discovering the various ways in which they can keep themselves healthy. With the welcomed arrival of the summer sun parents/carers have taken a lead role in promoting ‘safety in the sun’ by applying sunscreen before or on arrival at nursery, this routine and the availability of sun hats within the nursery are ensuring children are now more aware of the importance of protecting themselves from the suns harmful rays. As well as the temperatures soaring so have the energy levels of the children as they are keen to demonstrate the different ways in which they can move and challenge their bodies. By participating in fun experiences including sticky kids, obstacle courses, play on pedals or by just simply exploring the nursery gardens the children have gained confidence and learned some new gross motor skills along the way. During these times children have shown knowledge in how to fuel their bodies by drinking lots of water and eating healthy snacks. This learning has been extended inside the nursery playroom as children have the opportunity to explore a range of health promoting resources including jigsaws, table top games and books.
Play on Pedals Family sessions have been a big success with a large number of carers in attendance to be part of and observe the progress that their children have achieved to date. Children embraced the chance to show off their skills in balance, coordination, direction, special awareness and manoeuvring.
The nursery has now successfully trained three parent cycle assistants to support the delivery of the Play on Pedals programme over the forthcoming academic year.
Healthy and Active
The children have been learning how to keep their bodies healthy and active. They have created a fruit and vegetable shop in the playroom and have visited local shops to buy healthy produce. The children have been exploring and tasting some of these new fruits by making fruit salad for snack. Children have also been taking part in lots of physical activities including Mini Kickers sessions, visiting the local football pitches to practice their football skills, Play on Pedals family sessions, cycling, climbing, badminton and races.
Early Level Playroom
The children within the Early Level Playroom are continuing to develop their understanding of size and amount by observing, exploring and communicating with others. Through the context of mini-beasts the children have had opportunities to participate in matching, sorting and comparing games, exploring numbers and understanding that they represent quantities. Visits to the Nature Park have inspired children’s creativity and imagination in the creation of a bug hotel within the outdoor garden which we are all hoping will attract some bugs, birds and bunnies in the coming future, with a scarecrow ready to protect the seeds and plants.
Children are independently accessing the creative art area and have been supported in sharing their own ideas, thoughts and feelings through activities within art and design, creating their own representations of beautiful butterflies, wriggly worms and scary spiders.
Within Together Time all children have been learning new songs to support the learning of life cycles, mini beasts and planting and growing, some favourites include, Tiny caterpillar on a leaf, Wiggly Woo, Mary Mary and Incy Wincey Spider. Why not ask your child to teach you a few.
Nurturing Early Readers
The children will be exploring these exciting stories during Nurturing Early Readers over the forthcoming weeks. They will be looking at the different characters, setting and problems within each story. They will also be introduced to new vocabulary within the story, which is identified below in the photographs. Why not ask your child to share elements of the story with you.
Life cycles
The children within the early level playroom continue to learn about life cycles, and how living things depend each other. There has been lots of discussions about the various types of fruits and vegetables which grow from bulbs and seeds, with the children using these as a visual stimulus during creative experiences and having a taste at the snack table. The children’s interests are now naturally moving on to other living things such as minibeasts, including worms, caterpillars and butterflies. Using fact books , they have been finding out new information about where to find these creatures and have been searching for them in the nursery garden.
Mini Kickers
The children in the Early Level had a fabulous time during their first session of the Mini Kickers programme at Calderhead High School. They were provided with opportunities to develop their listening skills, gross motor skills and work together as part of a team. In this session, Dylan and David taught the children how to control the ball using only their feet before a fun game of football.
Mini Kickers
Mini Kickers at Calderhead High School
We hope that you have received your child’s invitation to participate in the 6 weeks block of Mini Kickers sessions delivered by two NL Leisure Sports Coaches.
Calderhead High School have kindly offered the use of their gym hall.
Ages: 3 – 5 Years Old
Abilities: For all levels & abilities.
Skills Gained: Children will practice, play and build up an understanding of football games. They will also further develop their motor and social skills.
What to Bring: A drink (water is recommended).
What to wear: Comfortable sports clothes and trainers.
What Parents Say: ““The class was perfect for my daughter as she learned in a fun environment through games such as toy story . She loves Toy Story and this instantly engaged her and gave her the confidence to take part””
Cost:£1 per session
For more information or if you have not yet received your flyer please speak to your child’s key worker or contact the nursery on 01501 826713.
There is a slight change of time to the afternoon session due to coaches travel to and from the venue, therefore we will be leaving at 1 pm prompt from the Nursery to walk to Calderhead High School.
Learning all about Living Things
The learning has came to life this week as the children have been monitoring the progress of the seeds and beans they planted last week. There have been conversations throughout the nursery about what is needed to care for their plants and some children have been recording their growth.
Children have been expressing their creativity through a range of opportunities from creating their own representation of the different parts of the plants to learning and adapting new songs to link to our learning.
And of course, we have welcomed ten new baby chicks into the nursery, which has been a thrill to watch for children, staff and families!! Everyone is equally excited about the new arrivals and eager to learn all about what is required to care for them, taking into account their basic needs.