All posts by Ms Ledwidge

Nurturing Nature Family Forest School sessions


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This week all families arrived motivated and excited to engage in some new opportunities to learn within Shotts Nature Park . The addition of the new trolley proved a huge success with all parents/ carers  and children taking on the responsibility of pulling , pushing and at times jumping in the trolley.  Walking to the learning circle allowed the families to explore a new area of the park , exploring the Gruffalo woods with torches as there was lots of discussions and questioning  as to  what creatures might live in the woods.              Who knew what amazing chefs we have as we all worked together to make pizzas on an open fire , this was a first for many of the families and proved a huge success for hungry tummies. There was always time to visit the cafe for hot chocolate and toasted marshmallows and  was great to observe the independence skills of the children as they prepared their own drinks.   I am still not sure who won the game of hide and seek as the families found very interesting places to hide and certainly used up all the space available to them.    Looking  forward to next weeks session where we will be using hammocks and ropes , I wonder what we could possibly do with these resources.??  Nicola , Pamela & Elaine x Continue reading Nurturing Nature Family Forest School sessions

Nurturing Nature Family Forest School Sessions

The Nurturing Nature Family Forest School Sessions commenced this week with 100% attendance from all families that participated. There were opportunities for pond dipping and fishing and it was lovely to observe some lovely interactions between parent/carer and child with some very interesting pond life creatures being caught, especially surprising as the pond was initially frozen over with ice and snow.  We had the opportunity to explore the forest and found a secret entrance into the woods where a secret cafe was discovered that offered hot drinks and biscuits to heat us up before working together to gather various different sizes of sticks to build a fire.  On return to nursery it was lovely to hear such nice feedback from both adults and children of the enjoyment they had within these sessions. Next week on offer will be storytelling , Gruffalo hunting and pizza making , looking forward to it .
Nicola, Pamela and Elaine x

Nurturing Nature Forest School sessions

All children have fully embraced the wonders that Forest School has to offer as we make our weekly trips  within Shotts Nature Park. The children continue to develop their curiosity and imagination within a learning environment that offers challenge and excitement. There have been opportunities to participate in pond dipping and fishing where plenty of tadpoles, fish and water snails were caught, no sharks or mermaids were  found tho !!! All children have enjoyed exploring the paths, trails and hidden depths of the  forest , sharing their  favourite story whilst relaxing in a hammock was a definite favourite of mine.  The children have also demonstrated their awareness of safety whilst making a campfire and enjoyed celebrating Maths Week Scotland when collecting various different sizes of sticks, counting out how many and carrying out simple calculations as to how many marshmallows they had eaten .                                                                                                           The children have enjoyed  observed   the changes in the seasons  and the different colours , sizes and shapes of the falling leaves and look forward to next weeks session where we are planning on using the spotter sheets to identify what trees they have fallen from .


Maths Week Scotland

The children have been on a learning journey full of shapes, measure, and numbers this week  as they have enthusiastically participated in Maths Week Scotland. We have discovered that we can learn about maths anywhere and any time through playful opportunities that have been fun and exciting.  The children have asked lots of questions such as ‘who is the tallest person in the nursery?’ ‘who can jump the furthest?’ and ‘how many numbers will we find on our walk today?’ and they have certainly had fun finding the answers to these questions! Even everyday routines such as eating snack have been an opportunity to discover various shapes and count how many.

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We are learning ……

Children within the early level playroom are exploring the characters and setting within traditional fairy tales such as The Three Little  and  The Gingerbread Man , they have had opportunities to explore events from within the story through the use of puppets, costumes and the use of the smart board which have brought these stories alive.

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Children have demonstrated  a keen interest in cooking and baking and have been supported in creating their own shopping list, developing control of their fine movements whilst using a variety of mark making resources. Some children have participated in outings to the shops to buy the ingredients  and have become bakers in the kitchen with delicious Banana Bread and smoothie ice lollies being made. The use of measuring scales, spoons and measuring jugs have enabled the children to begin to develop their awareness of measure, counting and quantities.

All children continue to be encouraged to be kind, caring and helpful to each  other with practitioners providing  role modelling , positive noticing comments and opportunities to work together, turn take and share within all areas of the nursery , indoors and outdoors through fun and active play. The introduction of babies and the water tray , or bath, have supported this learning with children demonstrating these skills as they care, feed and dress their babies.  Outside there have been regular opportunities for all children to practice their skill on the balance bikes , ensuring they carry out the safety checks ,wearing a helmet and have been enjoying participating in active and energetic play.





We have been learning ……..


Through consultation with the children they have eagerly investigated and explored the new learning environments and resources  which has sparked a buzz of interest in and around the playroom with lots of discussions regarding where and how they would like to learn.

Children within the construction area have been motivated in taking on the role of builders, planners ,site managers and gaffers!! Ensuring the health and safety of all workers and visitors to the site by providing hard hats, high visibility vests  and marking off the area with tape and cones. Children  have had opportunities to develop and challenge their early literacy skills in the creation of  signs, posters and creating their own plans and daily lists of jobs that they require to complete in order to get “ their wages”. Some of the jobs completed this week have been, renewal of walls, laying flooring, construction of both a police station and airport and building a den . Lots of discussions have taken place to support the children’s awareness of number , measure and size as they problem solve whilst creating and bringing their plans and thoughts to life.

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The introduction of a variety of role play costumes and accessories have allowed the children to develop their imagination and creativity within their  play as they take on roles of police officers, doctors, animals , superhero’s and princesses . This learning has been supported with the children having a princess tea party at snack with sandwiches, tea and biscuits being offered.

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With the every changing weather in Shotts the children have continued accessing the outdoor environment , taking full advantage of the snow and wind to  make snowmen and create  their own kites. Creating a spiders web assault course supported the children’s movement and coordination skills as they problem solved how to manoeuvre their bodies up, over and through the web.

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Practitioners have been taking the lead from the children and supporting them in expressing their ideas and thoughts of  how  and where they are going to learn with children supported in their own choices with many sensory experiences being offered daily from shaving foam ,  finger paining ,scented and coloured play dough and potions being created within the water tray. These opportunities encourage the children to develop their control and coordination of their fine movements of their fingers and hands whilst developing the use of their senses.

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Within the ABC Music Matters  programme all children have had opportunities to develop their listening skills  by following instructions and  becoming aware  of how to maintain a steady beat through the use of musical instruments and following the sounds , beat and rhythm of music.

We hope you too have noticed the wonderful learning which is taking place.

Continue reading We have been learning ……..

We are learning to …….

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Within the Early Level playroom the children have had opportunities to deepen their interest in learning about animal habitats, participating in  regular outings to the Nature Park to consolidate this learning has been of great support to this learning as the children are able to explore and discover within an environment that offers such depth with a very  hands on approach. On return the children have all been very motivated  in the creation of many habitats in and around the nursery with the creation of a rock pool and the new addition of a hedgehog home which will hopefully attract some hedgehogs !!

Nearly all of the children have had opportunities to explore the local community with library visits happening to celebrate National Library week and visits to Newmains Community Centre to celebrate The Discovery Film festival. Regular outings continue to be included within the children’s sessions with visits to the local shops to buy resources and materials to attract wildlife animals into the garden.

Kodaly and ABC programmes continue to be delivered within the sessions where children are learning to listen and follow instructions in response to rhymes and songs.

Children are beginning to become aware of how to use their bodies by taking part in energetic activities both indoors and out, developing new skills whilst becoming aware that being active is a healthy way to be.

The Halloween  party  was a great celebration had by all,with the children all looking fantastic in their costumes. The children all had plenty of fun participating  in a variety of games, songs and of course party foods was a favourite. A great big thank you to everyone who kindly donated party foods, plates, cups and Halloween goodies, the donations were greatly received.

A visit from Fiona from Zoo-ed had the children amazed as she magically brought the story of the Gruffalos Wean to life with a sprinkle of her magic dust and a few magic words appeared from the story came the mouse, the snake a frog  a rabbit and some lovely cockroaches. A big well done to the children who were brave and curious enough to hold, touch and clap the animals. This visit enabled the children’s learning of animals and their habitats  to be extended though this interactive storytelling session which was enjoyed by all.


Nurturing Nature Forest School Group 2

The second group of our Nurturing Nature family sessions has commenced, we  have begun by exploring  variety of different areas within the Nature Park, participated in some pond dipping and fishing with many a tadpole and fish being caught.

This week we discovered the Fairy woods and the Learning Circle where we went on a Bear Hunt, bug hunt , and butterfly hunt !!!

Next week the families will have the opportunity to explore creativity and use their imagination to create some Forest friends or possibly some bug hotels or fairy houses ??? .

Nurturing Nature Family Learning Forest School Celebration

After a very successful fully attended four week programme, a celebration was had within the forest. Both the children and adults had the opportunity to revisit and consolidate their learning within this session and learn the new skill of making a safe fire , using the kettle kelly some sticks and plenty of marshmallows !!! After some tea , coffee , hot chocolate and tasty treats  it was definitely time for a well deserved rest on the hammocks. Each family was then presented with a certificate of participation which I am sure you are all very proud of.

I would like to say a big thank you to everyone who participated  each week, come rain or shine,  for an enjoyable and successful Nurturing Nature Forst School programme and I hope that you all continue to use the Nature Park for many more adventures !!