All posts by L. Walsh

What’s on week beginning 26th November 2018

Monday 26th November 2018

Lynn will be out of the centre all week

Butterfly Parental Consultations

Liz Kerr, visiting the nursery this morning to observe outdoor learning environments for the 1140 hrs expansion.

Tuesday 27th November 2018

Ladybird Parental Consultations

Lynn Shanks, AFA visiting the nursery this morning

Wednesday 28th November 2018

Bumblebee Parental Consultations

Karen Reid, Health Visitor will be in the nursery this morning

Rainbow Room Bookbug Family Rhyme Time Sessions with Amanda and Susan 9 am

Thursday 29th November 2018

Caterpillar Parental Consultations

Rainbow Room Bookbug Family Sessions with Amanda, Susan and Shannon 1 pm – 1.30 pm

Whole staff training on Pediatric Resuscitation, 3 pm – 5 pm.

SUYC postponed today 

Friday 30th November 2018

Dragonfly Parental Consultations

Siobhan is on annual leave today.


To help decorate the Nursery Christmas Trees, we would like to invite you to bring a bauble or decoration on Monday 3rd to hang on the Nursery tree.  You can choose something special just from you.

Please remember to follow the nursery on TWITTER for daily updates of the learning taking place, it really is the quickest means of communication for the team.


And so the learning continues…….

Since returning from the October school holiday break the children have been consolidating their numeracy skills.  They have been learning to touch count, knowing that the last number they say is the amount they have.  Many of the children are now graphically copying numerals in their play, which led on to making their own clocks and watches, sharing different times within their day.

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Developing coin recognition in a playful way began with the creation of Shotts Nursery Shop, selling a variety of goods, however this very quickly changed into designing and planning for various foods to be sold in their new Café.  Throughout this process the children, cooperated with one another,shopped and  made their own foods, developed their early mark making skills whilst taking orders but above all they were learning through real life contextualised play. The children have been visiting local eateries, planning their journey, ordering from the menus and making new aquantencies in the community. And what a lovely gesture to have some homemade Romanian cake when the Cafe turned into a cake and coffee shop. It really was truly delicious.

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The children’s interested in pouring and filing and transporting led to the development of larger sand area.  Thanks to the local business of Cooper Brothers donating some recycled tyres, this has made a fabulous area.

The recent Story Massage training along with the Mindful Approaches games, has led to the together time room, being created into a wonderful space where the children can truly use a calm space throughout their session. This room can be viewed on @CentreShotts.

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We hope that you have had an opportunity to take a closer look at the Kindness Tree which is growing beautifully with tender loving kind thoughts. I wonder what your own child has shared???

Wow, thank you all so much, mums, dads, grandparents and child minders for your continued engagement at the weekly Bookbug Family Sessions.

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The children continue to use the outdoor learning opportunities daily regardless of the weather.  The only problems encountered is that many of the children do not have spare clothes in their nursery bags when they get wet.  It would be great if you could check to make sure your child has a full set of clothes in their bag.

As a team we have decided that we will now do a monthly up date of learning on the BLOG, along with the weekly What’s on and use TWITTER on a daily basis to update you . Follow us on @CentreShotts

Can we remind you of the following to help stop the spread of infection.

If your child is ill they must not attend nursery.

If your child becomes unwell whilst in our care, we will phone you to come and collect them.

If your child has had any symptoms of vomiting or diahorrea ( or both), it is essential that they do not attend until 48hrs after the symptoms have stopped.

If your child has had to receive Calpol prior to coming to nursery for a fever or being unwell, then they should remain at home.

Watch out for December issue of the Nursery Newsletter, which will be available mid week.




What’s on week beginning the 19th November 2018

Monday 19th November 2018

In Service closure to children.  All staff will be trained to deliver Story Massage.

Tuesday 20th November 2018

Rhyme of the day ” 5 Currant buns”

Wednesday 21st November 2018

Rhyme of the day “Humpty Dumpty”

Rainbow Room Family Bookbug session 9 am

Gemma Speech and Language Therapist will be in the centre today.

Thursday 22nd November 2018

Rhyme of the day “Round and Round the Garden”

Solihull Understanding Your Child with Jen.

Rainbow Room Family Bookbug session 1 pm

Friday 23rd November 2018

Family Bookbug session with Kirsty and Elaine  and the Caterpillar families.

Rhyme of the day “Wee Willie Winkie”, where all the children have been invited to come dressed in their pyjamas, bringing along their own nursery rhyme book from home.


Week beginning the 26th November will be your opportunity to meet with your child’s key worker to share their learning and development to date, please ensure you have booked your time and date.

  If you have mislaid or do not have your child’s unique login nor secure password for their online learning story, please contact Lorraine in the admin office.



What’s on week beginning 29th October 2018

Monday 29th 

Parent/carer “Walk and Talk” with Nicola through Shotts Nature Park 9 am – 10 am

Isabel is on annual leave today

Graeme, Tom, Miller and Abby from Calderhead High School will be in the playroom this afternoon reading the story “Room on the Broom”.

Tuesday 30th

Why not drop in to see Natalie from NHS, who will take you through some basic health checks.

Join Louise and Siobhan at our parent/carers Mindfulness session 3 pm till 4.15pm in the Parent Room.

Wednesday 31st

Gemma speech and language therapist will be in the nursey today

Rainbow Room Family Bookbug session with Susan and Amanda 9 am

Parent/carer introduction to Yoga with Christine and Mary, 11 am and 1pm.

Thursday 1st November

Now is your time to try some alternative therapies to help you to relax reiki, massage, reflexology, Indian head massage . Book your place with Amanda or Kirsty

Rainbow Room, family Bookbug session 1.30 pm

Solihull Understanding Your Child with Isabel and Jen 1.45pm -3.30pm

Friday 2nd November

Bumblebee Group, family Bookbug session 8.45 am and 1.05pm

”Walk n Talk “ this afternoon with Isabel or Pamela through Shotts Nature Park 1.30 pm.

Mind full or Mindful?

Thank you to all the parents, carers and staff who gave up their time to attend last nights Mind full or Mindful? event hosted by Edward Reid.

It was great to listen to Edward and how mindfulness can help us in so many ways.  Each morning on Instagram Edward posts a little mindful moment which you can follow @mredwardreid.

A total of £  47  was raised on the night for Chris’s House.  With Donation buckets being available throughout next week to add to this total.

Almost all staff have now completed the five day foundation Mindfulness Programme with DobeMindful and are ready to implement this approach into  daily practice with children. 

We hope that you enjoyed the contents of the Mindful Bag which was gifted on the  evening which was lovingly put together with you in mind.

Remember, next week there is something on every day for you to participate in.  We do hope as many parents/carers join Louise from DobeMindful to find out first hand how you too can access the DobeMindful online course bespoke for parents and carers.

Please click on the link to access your copy of eventsor check in the November newsletter.

Mind full or mindful

What’s on week beginning 22nd October 2018

Monday 22nd October 2018

Hollie, Modern Apprentice is on holiday all week.

Tuesday 23rd October 2018

Final session of Nurturing Nature Forest School with Nicola and Siobhan…who will carry out there sponsored rhymes in the Nature Park.

Sponsored Rhyme for all children 11.15 am and 3.15 pm.  Parents/carers are welcome to come along and support the children.

Mind full or mindful wellbeing event at Calderhead High School 7 pm . Donations will be collected for Chris House, Wishaw.

Wednesday 24th October 2018

Rainbow Room family Bookbug session 9 am

Gemma, speech and language therapist will be in the nursery today.

Lynn McRitchie Foundation Apprentice Assessor will be visiting the nursery this afternoon.

Susan will be attending Boardmaker Training this afternoon.

Thursday 25th October 2018

Final session of Nurturing Nature Forest School session with Christine, Elaine and Nicola

Rainbow Room Family Bookbug session 1.30 pm

Solihull Understanding your child with Jen and Isabel 1.45 pm – 3.30 pm

Friday 26th October 2018

Isabel is on annual leave today

Emma oral health educator will be visiting the children this morning at 9.15 am

We would ask that no children attend the Halloween Party wearing scary masks. Thank you

Wow what a quick term…..

We cannot believe how quickly this term has flown by and the learning which has taken place. Each day the children have added something new to their learning. We have found that it’s so much quicker to share your child learning daily on TWITTER, please follow us on @CentreShotts.

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The Three Read Approach to Literacy home link resources have continued to be a resounding success, with parents and children alike sharing their engagement in the stories being read at home.

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Loose parts have inspired many of the children to be creative, to work cooperatively and share their learning with others.

Many of the children have taken part in weekly Langueland sessions facilitated by Isabel.  These groups are specifically designed to support the children’s attention and listening skills.  If you would like to find out more about these sessions then please speak to Isabel direct.

Its lovely to observe so many children who want to take their learning into the kitchen to bake and cook.  These are life long skills which will continue with them as they grown and develop.

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Wow, the success of the family Bookbug sessions have been outstanding with over 90% attendance throughout since the beginning of term in all of the groups.

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Nurture Nature at the Shotts Nature Park, we hope that you have been following their adventures on TWITTER.   A local gentleman Mr George King has been making some beautiful fairy doors and houses and placing them strategically throughout the park.  Than k you Mr King.

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And finally, all the children have been issued with a Sponsor form, and an icon of rhymes for you to learn them at home for the Sponsored Rhyme Event on Tuesday 23rd October 2018. Parents, carers and grandparents are welcome to come along at 11.15 am and 3.15 pm to hear the children recite the rhymes.  All donations received will go directly to the nursery.

We hope to see you all at the Mind full or mindful? event with Edward Reid on Tuesday 23rd October at 7 pm – 8.30 pm in Calderhead High School this is an adult only, ticketed event. If you need tickets please speak directly to your child’s key worker.  This is just the beginning of our community events as we continue to put nurture and relationships at the heart of our work with children and families.

We hope that you have a lovely October holiday, relax and enjoy some autumn fun.

What’s on week beginning 8th October 2018

Monday 8th October 2018

Siobhan on AL, Gillian supporting Ladybird Welcome group

Amanda on AL, all week Isabel supporting in the Rainbow Room

Tuesday 9th October 2018

Siobhan on AL, Gillian supporting Ladybird Welcome group

Nurturing Nature Forest School final  with Nicola and Christine

Wednesday 10th October 2018

Gemma speech and language therapist in the nursery today

Rainbow Room Bookbug Family session with Susan and Isabel

Thursday 11th October 2018

Nurturing Nature Forest School with Christine, Elaine and Nicola

Rainbow Room Bookbug Family session with Susan and Isabel

Solihull Understanding Your Child with Jen and Isabel 1.45 pm

Friday 12 th October 2018

Dragonfly Group Bookbug Family Session 8:45 am and 1.05 pm

October Hoilday until Monday 22nd October 2018

We hope you have a lovey holiday

Health, wellbeing and happiness…….. Mind full or Mindfulness.?

Thank you to everyone who respond to our recent consultation.

There were 25 respondents for an evening event, 7 for an afternoon and 4 for a morning. We are now pleased to confirm that our event for adults only will be launched on TUESDAY 23rd October 2018, by Edward Reid 7 pm till 8.30 pm. Venue will be confirmed once final numbers of friends and family are collated on Monday. Please advise your key worker of how many spaces you require.

For more information please speak to Amanda, Lynn or Siobhan.