Monday 22nd May 2017
Lynn will be in the early level playroom today.
Rainbow Room family play on pedals session 9 am – 9.30 am, with Susan, Kirsty and Amanda.
Rainbow Room children attending the forest this afternoon with Lynn, Amanda and Kirsty.
Tuesday 23rd May 2017
Lynn will be in the Rainbow Room today.
Bob Duncan Additional Support Needs Manager will be in the nursery today.
Isabel will be attending a session on Resilience at Chatlerhault Park, 11am – 1 pm
Early Level Curriculum Open Evening 6 pm till 7.30 pm for all parents returning and new families joining the centre in August 2017. Can all afternoon children be collected at 3.30 pm today to enable the staff to set up for the event. Thankyou.
Wednesday 24th May 2017
Lynn will be in the early level playroom today.
Yvonne from the ELCAT team will be in the centre this afternoon.
Gemma speech and language therapist is on holiday today.
Thursday 25th May 2017
Nurturing Nature Forest school family session with Nicola and Taylor 8.50 am and 1 pm.
Solihull Understanding your Child with Jen and Debbie at 1.30 pm.
Siobhan will be attending the Shotts Cluster Group this afternoon.
Friday 25th May 2017 & Monday 26th May 2017
Public holiday no service.