Message to Parents/Carers

From:  Gerard McLaughlin, Head of Education (North)


Message to Parents/Carers


Parents and carers are advised that North Lanarkshire Council Communications team are preparing to release information as soon as possible through its normal communication channels regarding the closure of schools to pupils from today.  This will include


  • Arrangements for children of key workers (including clarification of who Key Workers are)
  • Clarfication of arrangements for S4-S6 pupils for SQA accreditation purposes
  • Arrangements for those children requiring free school meals from Monday onwards
  • Arrangements for children with additional support needs from Monday


Further information will be available through your school’s normal communication channels from Monday onwards.






Gerard J. McLaughlin

Head of Education (North)

Education and Families

Civic Centre,



Letter from Executive Director Derek Brown

NLC Supporting Children

From:  Derek Brown, Executive Director


Dear Parents /Carers


Following advice from the Scottish Government to close educational establishment today, we fully recognise that from today children and young people may be at home for a long period of time and we have produced a suite of materials to support their learning – further information about materials will be sent to you in due course.


Understandably, this is an unsettling time for children, young people and their carers and many people will be feeling anxious about the current situation and the impact that it may have on the health and wellbeing of family, friends and colleagues.


For this reason we have also included information to help you reassure your child.  Many of these resources have been developed in collaboration with South Lanarkshire Council.  The attached document provides some advice and guidance.


We will continue to up-date this resource and ensure that it is widely available online.  You will be notified of these updates next week.


Thank you for your on-going support during these challenging times.




Derek Brown

Executive Director

Supporting you and your family at home during this difficult time

We hope that these links and stories will help to ease the burden whilst your child is unable to attend nursery.

All the links for the sites are underlined which you can click to take you straight through.

Take lots of pictures which you can share when we get the chance to reconnect.

The staff team are always here for you any time.  We thank you for the loving kindness you have shown to us during the last week.

Lynn would like to take this opportunity to personally thank each and every one of you for enabling us to become part of your family.

Shotts Family Learning Centre Supporting Play at Home March 2020
We recognise that this is a difficult time for you and your family, to support your learning together at home we have put together a few suggestions.
Go to this Sway

What’s on week beginning 16th March 2020

Monday 16th March 

Amanda out of the nursery today, Mhari supporting in the playroom

Pamela has resumed her job share position of working 2/3 day pattern.

Information session for parents with Lynn & Isabel regarding COVID-19 Contingency Plans for Service Continuity 9 am and 1 pm in the Parent Room.

Tuesday 17th March

Amanda out of the nursery today, Mhari supporting in the playroom

Lynn out of the nursery this morning

Wednesday 18th March

Nurturing Nature Family Engagement Forest School this morning is regrettably cancelled

Join Jen this afternoon for a Big Chef Little Chef session, there are lots of spaces available for you and your child. 1 pm – 3 pm

Lynn out of the nursery today

Thursday 19th March

Nurturing Nature Family Engagement Forest School  this afternoon is regrettably cancelled.

Friday 20th March

Story Massage Family Engagement sessions are regrettably cancelled.

Dykehead Primary School Parent and Child Transition session

1.15 pm until 3 pm at Shotts Nature Park, remember all children need a family member to support them. The morning session was a huge success watch Twitter for pictures

What’s on week beginning 9th March 2020


Monday 9th

Mindful Monday why not take a moment to breath with your child

Lynn is out of the nursery today

Tuesday 10th

Amanda is out of the nursery all week, Mhairi and Isabel will be supporting in the Rainbow Room

Pamela is attending North Lanarkshire Councils Nurture Conference

Wednesday 11th

Gillian is out of the nursery today, Alethea will be supporting in Gillian’s absence.

Nurturing Nature family engagement week 3 8.50 am – 11.30 am with Nicola and Pamela

Thursday 12th

Nurturing Nature family engagement week 3 1.10 pm – 3.40 pm  with Elaine and Nicola

Friday 13th

Lynn will be out of the nursery today.

Morning families transition event at Shotts Nature Park with Dykehead Primary School.  All children must be accompanied by a parent or guardian we will be leaving the nursery at 9.15 am. Please bring a small healthy snack for you and your child. This will be an opportunity for your child to play in the forest with you and their school buddy.  For more information please speak to Nicola.

Story Massage Family Engagement session with Christine 1 .10 pm only this week

Nurturing Nature Family Forest School sessions


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This week all families arrived motivated and excited to engage in some new opportunities to learn within Shotts Nature Park . The addition of the new trolley proved a huge success with all parents/ carers  and children taking on the responsibility of pulling , pushing and at times jumping in the trolley.  Walking to the learning circle allowed the families to explore a new area of the park , exploring the Gruffalo woods with torches as there was lots of discussions and questioning  as to  what creatures might live in the woods.              Who knew what amazing chefs we have as we all worked together to make pizzas on an open fire , this was a first for many of the families and proved a huge success for hungry tummies. There was always time to visit the cafe for hot chocolate and toasted marshmallows and  was great to observe the independence skills of the children as they prepared their own drinks.   I am still not sure who won the game of hide and seek as the families found very interesting places to hide and certainly used up all the space available to them.    Looking  forward to next weeks session where we will be using hammocks and ropes , I wonder what we could possibly do with these resources.??  Nicola , Pamela & Elaine x Continue reading Nurturing Nature Family Forest School sessions